Implicit here is a critique of the Westphalian nation-state, currently held up as the bulwark against globalism, when in truth it was merely the earliest stage in the totalizing, centralizing, and bureaucratizing process that has culminated in globalism.

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It can fairly be said that the reduction of the power of religion led directly to the horrors of the modern world, beginning with the reign of terror during the French Revolution and proceeding to the destruction we still see the effects of today.

This is an interesting claim. Opponents will point to things like the Crusades, witch burning, and persecutions, but covid proved that these things can happen outside of a religious context. There's a lot of lessons to be learned from the past three years.

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Localism is relevant under democracy as well. As the Founders noted, Democracy does not scale! The bigger the polity, the less your vote counts.

I posit, without hard proof, that Blue America rejects federalism because Blue Americans have no true local government. Manhattan island by itself has a population larger than a fair number of states.

Any call to restore federalism should thus start with breaking up our big city governments.


The good news is that many Progressives crave more local government. That "anarchy"we witnessed in Portland back in 2020 was really an attempt at true local government, albeit not formal.

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