Importing a new new class of voters is a "strategy" is so utterly evil I cannot form the words to adequately describe it. It is a new level of nation destroying that is so insidious the mere prospect of it is enough to make Old Scratch himself blush. Not a single one of these criminal "newcomers" has a valid claim to be here, not one. Now of course, the big problem is not just shutting off the tap - it's getting rid of millions of these diabolical human parasites once they're deeply embedded here and used to free phones, rent, healthcare, education and pre paid debit cards being refilled on a twice monthly basis. The optics of mass raids and million man round ups will surely be played up by the media as the ultimate oppressor vs victim class theater, as it is designed. You are right; illegal immigration is our Issue Number One - there's not even a close second place.

Always it seems now, the right can only focus on "undoing" the crimes of the leftist political syndicate. They never get to move their own chess pieces forward because they have to focus all of their energies in a mad scramble to undo the damage of leftist radicals. I'm about as black pilled as they get these days - even if Trump does manage to eek out a win, it's still game over.

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People can look up "what if only white people voted" in Google. In 2012 Buzzfeed put together a series of electoral maps. If only Whites voted, Republicans would win every state except five by the coasts. (Wa, Or, Me, Vt, Ma.) But non-Whites IN EVERY SINGLE STATE vote overwhelmingly Left.

And it's the same in every single European country. Research shows that the social democrats would not have won a single election in Sweden after the 1990s without immigrant votes, and even the majority of workers have now abandoned the Left. (And it's arguably the most leftist West European country.) The leftists planned ahead - in the 1980s Labour in Britain actually put in print their plan to replace treacherous British voters (who gave Thatcher's Tories three overwhelming victories in a row) with immigrants. (Tony Blair won by seeming to ditch the economic Marxism. He replaced it with cultural Marxism. More than doubling college seats to indoctrinate youth, and claiming that Third World mass immigration was crucial to the economy. Once out of office, his adviser Andrew Neather admitted that the real objective had been "to rub the Right's nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date.")

Socialism - what in the U.S. since WWII is falsely called liberalism (which means reigning in the state) but which is actually the correct name for the whole Left, not just the name for the communists - was invented as a means to exploit elections. Those who couldn't get wealth otherwise would get it through parliament seats.

A certain German party leader wrote in the 1920s that the labor unions were taken over by people who simply used them. When business owners were willing to negotiate the union leaders upped their demands and fanned the hatred, demonizing those who ran businesses. Today, why is Big Labour completely pro-immigration in all aforementioned countries - Britain, Sweden, the U.S.? "Why do they turn against us?" Why did you think you were ever anything but a stepping stone for them to get money?

Just like feminists care NOTHING about women being raped by immigrants. When Arabs and Africans camped out by Calais, wanting to flood into Britain, feminists went there to have sex with them. They reveled in the feeling of dirtying their own race that way. When one woman was gang raped by the non-Whites, the others told her not to report it. At first she didn't, but when she did so anyway they cursed her online.

And while the feminists used to shout "burn the bra" and attack men for supposedly forcing women to dress decent, today feminists fawn over the hijab. They have opportunistic women in hijab speak at their events in Europe, about how LIBERATING it is to wear a hijab. It "blocks the male gaze," just like blue hair, piercings and tattoos are meant to do.

In short, they will move from any position to another. The goal is simply to get votes and shock troops, so they can get the well-paid parliament seats. Those who aren't in parliaments get a flood of tax money to their organizations, so they get money despite having useless college degrees.

All of this is enabled by non-Whites. They will turn all of the West into Los Angeles, Detroit, London, Paris and Malmo.

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Meanwhile those who sabotage the GOP's chances by pushing for abortion bans are embraced by the neocons. Note how the leftist neocons never opposed abortion in conservative magazines. That's because they know it cripples the Right. In every single state referendum that has even slightly touched on abortion voters vote against the GOP, and at the same time punish the state's GOP in the election. That has happened in five cases that I've read about, in red, blue and swing states. And probably even more.

Trump let the GOP choose Supreme Court justices entirely based on how they would vote to cancel Roe vs Wade. So we got Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and the religious fanatic Amy Coney Barrett, who pushed her own children aside to make room for a Haiti girl she imported, just like her sister. These have sided with the Democrats in anti-White issues and their abortion ruling almost gave the Dems the House in the midterms. Trump caving to the abortion fanatics means permanent Democrat election victories through mass immigration. How will your abortion issue fare then? Good job.

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tbh it’s too late for the US. The under-18 age cohort is now 45% white, trending down. The country will be 30-35% white by the end of this century. It has been already the biggest demographic transformation in human history.

Luckily, at least some European countries seem to have noticed this problem and a few may even stabilize their demographics at something like ~1980s US levels.

The other thing to note is that racism is now and will be for some time a growth industry. White Americans, who have so studiously avoided noticing race for the past half century, will be forced to it. It’s as close to inevitable as anything in human society. The brave new America will be a lot less united and lot more brutish than the past, but as a people legacy Americans will not vanish.

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What you hone in on is simple, but it is not easy because it's not entertaining enough. How time have we spent worrying about McCarthy, Mike Johnson, Biden, Big Mike or Gretch Whitmer as the next candidate. Those puppets are interchangeable.

To pass on our heritage we need a population who can understand it. We absorbing swaths of people who can't speak our language, let alone understand what we achieved as a nation.

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Here is a drastic thought experiment: Why, if US citizens are armed to the teeth, is not possible for a group of them - a couple of hundreds would be enough - to organize, go to the border and shut it down by means of force, which means, literally, shooting migrants. What would happen? Would the regime send in the military to kill its own citizens? What I am getting at here is: where is that tipping point that will create organized violence on the side of citizens? Is it when migrant hordes are storming their neighborhoods and towns, en masse? Your country is already being invaded, yet you do nothing. Same, btw, for Europeans, who, however, lack the means even if they wanted to.

Not that I am advocating for this. What I intend is to show that there might never be this tipping point. Sure, you might have you neighborhood patrol with guns, reacting to the very immediate threat of violence. But this does not solve the problem. The way this problem is going to be solved is only on the political level.

Hence, I agree, immigration is the single most important issue. Everything else is just downstream of that. Forget plandemics, CBCDs, WEF and all this other BS. Once the exchange of population is completed, everything else becomes meaningless.

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Property owners on and near the border have been prosecuted for defending life and property from illegals. And a few groups who've patrolled the border on their own have been harassed and arrested for whatever they could make stick. Including killing illegals. It's going to take resisting not just the invasion but it's enablers in government.

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I agree with you. I hate violence but I think it’s worse to have the means to stop the invasion and to do nothing.

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"a couple of hundreds would be enough - to organize, go to the border and shut it down by means of force, which means, literally, shooting migrants. What would happen? Would the regime send in the military to kill its own citizens?"

Have you heard of something called the police? Yes, they are allowed to arrest people even if they are the country's "own citizens". And if people resist arrest, and do so with guns in their hands, then yes, they can be shot, even if they are the country's "own citizens." In fact, policing the country's own citizens is the primary function of the police.

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you obviously did not understand where I was going with this. Of course they will be shot at, by police or military. That is not the question. There will never be an instance where the use of force by citizens will not be met by regime force. So the question is WHEN do all these "tough guy armed-to-the-teeth freedom lovers" see a point where they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good? Because ultimately, that is what it will require if no political solution is found

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Yes I did, I answered your dumb question. Yes, the military would "shoot at its own people" if people showed up with guns to break the laws, such as they are.

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No, the primary function of the police is generating revenue and keeping the Uniparty in power and calling it just doing their job. It didn't work in Nuremberg and won't work next time either. And there's going to be a next time, this situation is unsustainable.

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They’re bankrupting us as well with out of control spending.

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Yes, it is an important issue, but most Republicans dance around it EVEN TRUMP. In the last debate, Trump focused on the criminals among the immigrants. Not only did that sound means and racists, the converse of Trump's argument is that it's OK to come here if you aren't a criminal.

I had this argument 20 years ago with a local Republican talk show host back when I was still a Libertarian. Back then the Republican call was to stop illegal immigration. The problem with that argument is it begs the question: why is it illegal in the first place? At the time we could have trivially ended illegal immigration by simply upping the immigration quotas and added staff to INS to do the processing.

To stop this mess, we need to publicly restate why we have immigration laws in the first place. And we have to state the reasons in a bipartisan manner. We need support from the left to offset the cuckservatives who want the cheap labor. And we need to give normies moral permission to defend their way of life.

Border control is enforcing a national picket line. Remind the Left. Also remind the left that you cannot have a cuddly Scandinavian style welfare state and open borders. Bernietopian welfare levels are above the world median wage.

And we need to remind the hippy peaceniks that open borders lead to war, because open borders make other countries' problems our problems. https://rulesforreactionaries.substack.com/p/a-kinder-gentler-nationalism

Finally, we need to remind the environmentalists that Ecotopia and open borders don't mix. The nation which limits its population growth so their descendants can enjoy nature gets overwhelmed by those who refuse to wear those rubber thingies. https://rulesforreactionaries.substack.com/p/rule-11-exploit-the-environmentalists

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For any traditionalist or conservative, the ultimate problem with mass immigration isn't even the resulting permanent rule by the Democrat party. It's the utter destruction of our culture. Not that there's much left of it but dregs and simulacra at this point anyways. Thanks to at least 100 million new "Americans" via immigration over the past 40 years, coupled with the never ending deconstruction and debasement of our culture by the Left, what we have now is but a pale shadow of what existed before. Even so, left to our own devices for a few generations you'd start to see an organic culture start to take shape once again. It would never reach the heights of what once was, but it'd be something and most importantly it'd be authentic. But of course that won't be allowed to happen.

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Here’s how to put the “nice” Boomers to work for us without realizing it. Use their instincts, instead of fighting them.


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Thank you for a brilliant on point read! Amazing , analysis of the Conservative insanity,which i believe is heavily driven by $$$, come hell or highwater! "We the People" are an afterthought for both parties! I am living in the Nogales sector and see first hand the complete insanity of the invasion,and NGO's aiding in this crime against the PEOPLE! TRUTH TO POWER,KEEP IT UP!

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The age of mass migration is over. Importing millions of people who will work for next to nothing just to be here destroys the wages of working class Americans and drives up housing costs when we can't house our own citizens. People cannot overpopulate their home country and just expect to move to greener pastures. There are no more green pastures. Voluntarily reduce your country's population to an environmentally sustainable level and stav there.

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If half the country normally votes Democrat, & these braindead leftists just wanna destroy the country straight up, what's the point in denying them that pathetic zombie joy? It just seems a waste of time. Best to just give them carte blanche to destroy & corrupt, which is all leftists are good for.

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Good read. Here’s my counter: what are voters to do exactly? Things are going the way they’re going because corporations and banks want it to be so. How is an elected official supposed to hand down edicts and rules to billionaires?

I think you’re 100% correct about collapse. But it’s the collapse of agency, and possibilities in life, for the American proletariat.

It’s not the immigration first that destroyed everything, it’s the desire of corporations (and business at almost every level) to save a buck on labor. It’s their willingness to keep rewarding illegal immigration with jobs. It’s the banks chasing interest payments from as many humans as possible.

Hate to “blackpill” but if we think we have the ability to cut into corpo and bank profits to achieve any ends, then we are truly delusional.

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Good news. The Jewish Bamking Mafia is failing due to BRICS. Israel will likely not exist in 5 years. Expel Jews and take back their ill gained assets. Reparations to Americans whose grandparents were citizens before 1940 would be in the trillions. No Jews allowed on corporation boards or in media or in politics. When Zionists that killed JFK and did 911 are punished, then America can rebuild.

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Name one corporate CEO or highly placed executive, Top Wall Street figure, anyone at think tanks supported by the billionaire ‘conservative’ donor class opposed to white demographic replacement? The answer is, zero! Conservatives and proponents of ‘free enterprise’ finance capitalism don’t care about ordinary white Americans ( or Europeans) and never have. The bastards only care about one thing only; money. It’s high time we on the so-called ‘dissident right’ or whatever the hell it is, drop conservative bs about ‘socialism’ and ‘right versus left’ rubbish. Our slogan should be, ‘Neither Left Nor Right, but White!’ Period.

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Oh boy

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The truth hurts. Conservatives, especially American ones other than a few paleocons aren’t pro-white.

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Having to explain that your slogan is not Nazi 2.0, means it’s a bad slogan. A slogan should be quippy and unambiguous: “I’m lovin it”

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Are you a libertarian? That might be your illness. My slogan has nothing to do with Nazism. Nazism is in the past along with Classical Liberalism and Marxism.

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My illness is the having the soul of a clown, that forces me to blow it at the most crucial of moments.

I know that’s not the meaning, but the slogan itself will require that distinction to most.

We can talk of resolution and revolution, but the collapse ain’t gonna happen in our lifetime. Every Christian, every Prepper, etc, all think the end is coming in their lifetime. They want to think that their life and generation is special. It’s not. Billionaires win. Trillionaire corporations win. They have more money, and therefore more tools to survive than we the poors do.

Best I can do is sit back with the ones I love and enjoy some popcorn during exceptionally mad events.

More power to you toppling the system and wresting power from the above stated people/corpos. If it does happen in my lifetime, people like yourself will get a healthy tip of the cap and a slow clap.

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Your takes are extremely simplistic though. Billionaires and millionaires don’t always win nor are our rulers better either individually nor collectively. Sitting on the internet dismissing anything proactive within the larger society while typing behind a keyboard certainly isn’t a winning strategy. The system itself is in steep decline along with American power.

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Seems like your strategy is bitching from behind a keyboard, no offense. ‘Winners’ can be defeated and taken down. Nothing foreordains our current criminal business and political elites are wise nor omniscient.

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I like some Libertarian ideas. For the most part, though, they can fuck straight off in their non-existent, hypothetical vacuum.

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