This past week has been a good week. A VERY good week. A GREAT week. The winning started as soon as Trump took his oath of office and has yet to slow down. Across the board, Trump and his incoming administration (who have all so far been confirmed to their nominated positions) have been attacking across a broad front - deporting illegals, banning transgenders in the military, cutting federal spending, removing obstructive deep state personnel, undermining the Left’s NGO/government partnership, and beyond. Trump really seems serious this time around and is flooding the zone, overwhelming the Left and the media’s ability to respond and generate outrage. He and his team are short-circuiting the Left’s ability to Alinsky-ise him, to pick the target, freeze it, personalise it, and polarise it.
The thing to keep in mind is that these represent real, actual, tangible movements which have a high probability of resulting in ultimate victory. We’re seeing a genuine change in trajectory if these things can be made to stick. The changes we’re seeing made are not superficial, after all. Removing obstructionists from government agencies at all levels hobbles the deep state’s ability to undermine our agenda. Cutting off the NGO/refugee funding pipeline does double duty - it starves these anti-American organisations of needed monies while also closing the tap on the Left’s flood of hostile, foreign foot soldiers; indeed, this was a very easily disruptible aspect of the Left’s program. Trump and his team have, in one week, already begun the hard slog of rooting out the Left’s tendrils in our sociopolitical system.
Indeed, I’m actually starting to wonder if maybe we really have had a genuine regime change and that the Left is as beaten as many on the Right think they are. It’s comforting to think that, perhaps, our present administration has fully internalised the truth that the Left must be crushed. Though I think that we’re going to find out that there are some caveats to just how beaten the Left really is…
In all of this, there are three lessons that I believe we can learn.
First, there is the fact that you can, indeed, just do stuff if you want to. This is what can happen when you realise that you have to use power to get power. It’s almost like you have to have a will to power, so to speak. This is something that was absent during Trump’s first administration - he didn’t really seem willing to rock the boat too much and he surrounded himself with people who kept taking his oars away anywise. This time around, this is definitely not the case.
The first step to exercising power effectively is to just do stuff. In many circumstances, it really is better to ask forgiveness than permission and once something is done, it’s harder to roll it back than it is to stop it in the first place. The Left can file all the lawsuits they want, but in the meantime illegal aliens are being remigrated in real time, NGO personnel are having trouble making their rent this month, and 43% of the transgenders in the military are close to making a very quick exit. All because Trump and Co. charged out of the gate and started doing things rather than just talking, forming focus groups, or relying on schmucks like Mitch McConnell to get on board. In many cases, action is its own catalyst. To keep winning, they just have to keep doing.
What’s doubly pertinent about this is that it’s all not even particularly difficult stuff to do. Rounding up criminal aliens and sending them home? Turns out we’ve always known exactly where these people were and could have done this at any time, had the previous administration chosen to. It just needed done. Sending the military to help secure the border? Stop funding our enemies? Get funds flowing to disaster-stricken areas in western North Carolina? Easy, easy, and easy. We just needed leaders willing to do these things.
Second, we’re seeing just how fragile the Left’s managerial system really is. For a century, progressivism has built up a carefully crafted façade of inevitability. And indeed, this perception was not unwarranted. From the rise of progressivism in the 1920s to FDR’s revolutionary restructuring of American life to the cultural revolution of the 1960s to the construction of decades of post-war internationalist consensus to the Obama post-American presidency, the Left did appear to march through an unbroken string of political and cultural victories. But as they are wont to do, the Left tried to build ever more complexity into their systems even as they simplified the “human capital” upon which it all is based.
The problem with that kind of a construct is that while it may run smoothly for a while so long as it doesn’t face any applied pressures, once stresses are introduced the wheels come off. And that is exactly what Trump and his team are doing - applying stresses to the Left’s managerial system at home and the international “rules-based order” abroad. What happens when the funds stop flowing to the “refugee resettlement charities”? The system decays and planes full of Haitian criminals stop flying into New Hampshire. What happens when Trump calls the Colombian government’s bluff and threatens to apply tariffs and other sanctions? Colombia’s ruling coalition falls apart, that’s what. Hitting the Left from so many directions at once is absolutely overwhelming their system’s resiliency and over time the fissures are going to grow larger and larger. We aren’t the only ones who sense that Cthulhu’s “inevitable” drift leftward may be changing course.
Lastly - and most importantly in my opinion - is that Trump’s presidency really does represent a return to normalcy. I know that pretty much everyone - leftie, normie, and based Rightist alike - has been programmed to think of Trump as this raving wild animal, a bull mindlessly crashing about the china shop destroying everything in his path (where folks differ is in whether they think this is a good thing or not). Certainly, we’ve been gaslit into seeing Trump as the radical, opposed to and threatening the established post-war liberal end-of-history order that is the “natural” state of affairs.
But that’s not the case at all. In fact, Trump represents at least the beginnings of a restoration to the standards that have existed in nearly every human society for nearly the entirety of human history. It’s only because of how distorted and “hyperreal” our present political and social systems are that Trump seems “odd.” However, as I’m fond of saying, reality always reasserts itself - and so it is now. It is, in fact, the normal state of affairs for the leaders of nations to prioritise their own people first. It’s normal for nations to pursue their own economic self-interest rather than farming out their productive capacities to potential enemies. It’s normal for governments to affirm the moral and spiritual bases of their civilisations. It’s normal for governments to punish criminals and to reward those who do well, rather than the opposite (in fact, that is the primary purpose of government). It’s normal for governments to desire high birthrates and to encourage their people to “be fruitful and multiply.” It’s normal for nations to pursue realpolitik in the international realm. None of these things are radical or immoral. They’re literally just common sense - but they’re also detrimental to the progressive Left’s multidecadal scam that they’ve been running on the peoples of basically every western nation.
Above, I alluded to my view that the Left is not as defeated as many on the Right like to think. Their current (relative) quiescence is not, I believe, an admission of defeat, but rather just an acceptance of being shut out of many avenues of power. This doesn’t mean they’ll just go quietly into the night. Instead, they’re going to use those power centres still in their hands. For instance, take the judiciary, where many life-tenured left-wing activist judges are already stepping in to unilaterally impede the needed reforms that Trump has been introducing. What should Trump do about this? Well, first of all, just keep on pushing. One can always ask the very pertinent question of just how many divisions some dingleberry circuit court judge in Seattle has, after all. If nothing else, efforts can be made (though this will require congressional assistance) to simply restructure the judiciary and remove these judges’ seats out from under them (an entirely constitutional action, by the way).
Unfortunately, the other avenue open to the Left is that of violence. We all know that there is a large unhinged element within the broad radical Left. Couple this with the low IQ of the average antifa street soldier type and you have a recipe for increasingly desperate left-wingers willing to step outside the realm of the purely political. We’ve already seen this in the “economic” realm and now we’re also seeing it in the overtly political realm, as witnessed by a literal assassination attempt made today on several administration officials. We should not be at all surprised if the Left ramps up the stochastic terrorism (as well as more organised efforts from within deep state holdovers) in the near to medium term. So stay frosty, folks. I gotta say that I have a feeling we may not want to get too relaxed just yet.
But all in all, we should be thankful for this past week full of winning and do what we can to support its continuation. Don’t listen to the blackpillers and naysayers and doomers out there. We’ve got a real chance here to make some positive changes and rescue our nation(s) and civilisation. Yes, Trump is just the start and four years is not going to be enough time to right every wrong, but all the same we can start pushing our pathway back onto a different and better trajectory. In complex systems there is a sensitive dependence upon initial conditions, meaning that even the slight changes that have been made so far will already have an increasingly non-linear and magnified effect on the future of our nation. Let’s keep this thing going.
“…restructure the judiciary and remove these judges’ seats out from under them (an entirely constitutional action, by the way).”
Yes. And can we start by disbanding the D.C. Circuit? Washington is a small town and doesn’t deserve a federal circuit court. Bonus points for a statute requiring all cases involving the federal government to be tried in Texas and reviewed by the Fifth Circuit.
Nicely said.