The Left Must Be Crushed
The election was a start, but the destruction of the Regime is an ongoing process
Well, Election 2024 is finally over and Trump won. This means we can all sit back and relax and watch everything on our wish list fall into place, right? RIGHT?
Oh right, there’s no way that is happening. I mean, you didn’t really think the Left and the Regime were going to just go quietly into the night, not after four years of trying to destroy the very man who they just failed to keep from being reelected, did you?
Now, I will admit to being a bit surprised that the Left did not break out into the paroxysm of violence that many of us expected. Many, perhaps most, of us expected another “Summer of Love” type of event, only amplified by four years of pent-up rage at how the Bad Orange Man keeps slipping the noose and escaping all of their attempts at getting him. In retrospect, though, it’s not as surprising as it first seemed. After all, the original Summer of Love took place as a coordinated effort to destabilise and discredit Trump’s administration, whereas nowadays, the Regime are the ones who hold formal power. So yes, it makes sense that they would not further harm their own position by rioting immediately after they just lost an election, further degrading their already tenuous hold on legitimacy.
And let’s face it, they’ve lost a lot of legitimacy as it is over the past four years. Endemically, the Regime has pursued an absolutely idiotic foreign policy that has undercut American credibility on the international scene. At home, they’ve stultified the American economy to the point that the only real beneficiaries from job growth are the foreigners they’ve imported to take American jobs. Speaking of immigration policy, Heritage-Americans have been inundated by millions of migrants, both illegal and “legal” (many only on technicalities), who take jobs, stagnate wages, drive up housing prices, and eat the occasional pet.
The Regime continues to demonstrate its absolute contempt for the actual American people. In 2016, we were “deplorables,” in 2024 we are “weird Nazis” for wanting a simple, normal life free from wokester lunacy. The media lie to us about everything; only later do we find out that the “misinformation” we were all chastised for believing was actually right on the mark all along. In the midst of the worse disaster to hit southern Appalachia in, well, recorded history, we were told we were horrible conspiracy theorists for observing the on-the-ground fact that FEMA and other official Regime organs were slowballing relief efforts. As it turns out, FEMA was doing exactly this, both in Appalachia and in Florida, and it was apparently official agency policy to withhold help from “domestic terrorist Trump supporters.” They’ve allowed Venezuelan gangs and Mexican cartels to establish effective sovereign control over swathes of American territory. They’re even to the point where they’re threatening to declare war on federal immigration officials who may try to enforce our laws by removing illegal aliens - people who, by definition, are not even supposed to be here.
Even in the past election, while the margin of Trump’s victory (as well as the additional vigilance of Trump campaign and loyal GOP officials) was such that they were simply unable to defraud the vote extensively enough to take it away from him again, this doesn’t mean there wasn’t a lot of really sketchy activity taking place. Trump generally ran ahead of congressional and local Republican candidates, so while his margin may have been too great, many of theirs were not. As a result, several senatorial and congressional elections, as well as many state-level races, suffered from the now-familiar “midnight spike” where a bunch of ballot dumps that favour the Democrat 100% of the time appear just in the nick of time to push the Democrat over the top.
Couple this with the fact that several states - which all just happen to be swing states - take upwards of two weeks to count all their votes, and (again) all the ballot dumps seem to go the Democrats’ way every single time. It doesn’t take a master statistician to figure out that something a little skitzy is going on here. This time around, there was at least one local level Democratic official dumb enough to openly count illegal votes and actually got caught and stopped, which basically verifies the plausibility of previous claims to vote fraud when these exact same patterns have been observed before.
I noted above that the Left and the Regime (which are adjacent, but not necessarily contiguous, concepts) likely held off the rioting after Trump’s election because that would undermine their legitimacy further. Instead, they seem to be opting for a strategy of undermining Trump’s renewed legitimacy that he possesses from having decisively won the past election. The vote fraud discussed above comes in at this point as well. In addition to using it to steal downticket seats, they’re trying to shimmy in enough post-facto votes for Kamala that they get Trump under 50% in the popular vote and thus can claim that he “doesn’t really have a mandate.” At the same time, they’ve whittled down the number of supportive incoming senators so they can hobble Trump’s cabinet picks, and thus his ability to act on the agenda which he was elected to pursue. It really is all just smoke and mirrors for these people.
But this also demonstrates that the enemies of the American people are not just found among the ranks of the antifas or the Democratic Party. There are plenty of Republicans - as we saw during the election season and as we’re seeing now - who are Regime lackies, too. These folks never miss an opportunity to sell out the American people. Currently we face the ridiculous situation in which squalid old cows like Lisa Murkowski will spit in the face of her own voters at the behest of people who hate the American people. They need to be put out to pasture. These people are as much our enemies and must face the just retribution for their actions as do any Democrat out there.
And this, in a nutshell, is the great responsibility, nay, duty of those of us on the Right at this time. There have been calls over the past couple of weeks for “reconciliation” with the Left, with all of the slagpots who have spent years calling us “Nazis” for being White or for wanting normal families, who have tried to get us canceled and cast out for holding normal views from ten years ago, who have kidnapped kids from their homes because the parents wouldn’t mutilate their childrens’ sexual organs, who have sent trillions to corrupt regimes all over the world and routinely give illegal aliens $10,000 cash cards at a time, but couldn’t come up with more than a $750 loan to American families in disaster-stricken areas. Our duty is to crush these people like insects.
So no, no reconciliation. No overlooking what these people have done to America (as well as, by extension, our close kin across the western world). No shrugging of the shoulders and dismissing it all with an “Oh well, that’s politics!” We must bring fire and sword to these people. And Trump is the best vehicle we have to do this. The real reason for the Regime’s current immune reaction against Trump’s cabinet picks is not because they’re “unqualified” or whatever, it’s because the Regimists recognise that this time around, there is a real dispositional commitment to dismantling the institutional structure which the Left spent decades capturing and which the Regime now uses to entrench and enrich itself. The immigration system, the financial system, the lawfare system - they all have to go on the block.
And even at the personal level, it’s time for us to recognise that we simply cannot live on even terms with lefties. Either there will be a struggle for subordination that we must decisively win or there must be a National Divorce, but in any case, we cannot and should not be willing to live with the Left. These people are perfectly willing to impoverish you for not using the right pronoun. They are perfectly willing to cut off the ties of kith and kin simply because you voted for the “wrong” candidate. These people are even perfectly willing to kill their own families over adverse (from their perspective) election outcomes. These are not sane people. These are not people who can be allowed to have any kind of a grip on power ever again.
What’s more, these are not our people. I’ve discussed before how the process of ethnogenesis has taken place across the past century or more in the United States and has actually created two White ethnies, characterised not merely by differing politics, but by very different sets of culture, mores, social assumptions, and even language (the actual, scriptural definition of an ethnos, a nation). Our side - let’s call them “Red America” for lack of a better term - is the majority among the heritage population descended from those who founded this country, as well as those pre-1920s immigrants who were strongly encouraged to assimilate to the prevailing Anglo-Saxon Protestant social norms. The “Blue America” tribe is the distinct minority (I’m dismissing for this discussion how they pad their electoral numbers with “diversity hire” clients, both foreign and domestic). Yet, Blue Tribe has been in the position of running the institutions (and thus, the entire American power structure) for well over a century, beginning with the advent of Wilsonian progressivism.
So in a sense, a struggle to free ourselves from the Blues would, and should, take on the appearance of a war for national liberation. Just like Greeks wanted to free themselves from the Ottoman Empire or Dutchmen from Habsburg Spain, so we ought to send the Blues packing back to Massachusetts where they came from. Obviously, the best route for this is the peaceful and political, but given the proclivities of the Left towards insanity, we shouldn’t necessarily count on that. However, one thing to consider is that just as God would often times in history, both inside and outside of Scripture, use one nation as a way of chastising another which had fallen into sin and rebellion, so maybe we in Red America are being used to bring punishment to the corruption and rebellion wrought in and through Blue America?
Just some food for thought.
At any rate, the Left and the Regime certainly won’t voluntarily release their hold on power over us. As noted above, that’s what we’re seeing with the current jockeying to try to undermine the recent election and the mandate that was given to Trump that went along with it. And yes, while they have thus far (largely) avoided violence because they still think they’re in the strong position, what happens should this change? What if, despite all efforts, it’s early January and Trump’s accession nears and their frustration continues to build? What if, in spite of every machination, Trump appears dead set on pushing his cabinet through, even if he has to go about it in an “irregular” manner? What happens when the realisation truly and deeply sets in that mass deportations and limitations on immigration will set back the Left’s demographic triumph by decades, or may even jeopardise it completely?
So no, I would not discount the possibility that there might yet be mass political violence from the Left. I mean, these people tried to assassinate a leading presidential candidate just a few short months ago, for crying out loud. You don’t think they’d be willing to use riots and other violence as a pretext to declare martial law and indefinitely suspend the transition of power over to Trump? If that’s what they feel they need to do to keep their system running the way they want it to run, that’s what they will do. And this time, they’ll be coming for the suburbs and the country folks, because it won’t just be about undermining a sitting president to ruin his electoral chances, it’ll be about punishing us for challenging their power and causing them so much grief. From ancient Roman “populares” to French revolutionaries to the Bolsheviks, the Left has never shied away from using masses of criminals and malcontents to silence its enemies. Why should this time be any different. So we, as the real Americans, need to be ready, should the need arise, to defend ourselves in a robust fashion, following examples we’ve seen elsewhere in recent years.
So stay frosty, folks.
This election cycle was a massive repudiation of the pure, naked smirking evil that for decades we've had to endure from proggy trash. Personally, I'm more than done with those who want me and my family dead. No reconciliation or faux "unity" is possible with those who are spiral-eyed crazy with hate for me and everything I stand for. I'd happily see them staked out at the waterline at low tide. No mercy. No remorse.
The left MUST be crushed. Mayorkas & Milley MUST be prosecuted & hanged. FauXi, too… every Governor and mayor proclaiming “sanctuary” in violation of federal law should be in prison. The federal government MUST be forced back into its enumerated powers box. Either we live under the rule of law and ensure consequences to those flouting it, or we live under the rule of man - dictatorship - in which the “pen and a phone” reign supreme.