Since Death Camp Commandant is not an official job description, Insurance Company Executive gets my nod for the title of Most Evil Job on Earth.

Working in healthcare, I can tell you that denying rightful claims or submissions for justified treatment are routine occurrences. People pay a king's ransom to insurance companies, thinking that they are protecting themselves, only to be left kicked to the curb when need arises. Conscientious doctors and dentists waste considerable time fighting on their patients' behalf for obviously needed treatment.

In the teeth of inflation, insurance companies have cut reimbursements to providers while jacking up premiums for customers, all the while paying themselves exorbitant salaries.

Blood money, if ever there was.

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Insurance should be by law co-op/non-profit only. Profit motive combined with complete price elasticity combined with government distortion of the “market” creates a three headed monster that really ought to be slain. The same could be send for every hospital/medical system in the US.

The libertarians will cry out “but muh free markets,” which simply can’t exist considering stable oligopolies have been created by regulatory capture. Unless they’re going to advocate for dissolution and reset of all of those entrenched players, there’s simply no way to get back to an actual market. Market is such a clownish term to even use at this point - you can’t even walk into a doctor’s office and be told what your procedure will cost.

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Perhaps we need to reverse the demutualization of the health insurance companies that began in the 90s.

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You’re probably right, but that’s the opposite of free market behavior too. The reality is that stable oligopolies or monopolies are the natural endpoint for most markets.

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I think you miss the bigger point. Even if what you describe here is true, and it likely is, and the author says as much, the problem is with the left's response to it. They celebrate it, thereby normalizing it, and that is truly dangerous.

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The analogue of your argument: “It’s not abortion that’s the problem, it’s the response to it.” No, evil things are evil and the fact that they go unaddressed (or are further propped up by the elite) is a symptom of the same societal decay that causes vigilantism in response.

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I don't see any evidence that it's just the left that has reacted with indifference to this death. Nor have I seen much evidence that the left has "celebrated" the death, or attempted to normalize it. The reaction seems to me to be quite consistent across the ideological spectrum.

As for dangerous, what about the danger of continuing to normalize these evil business practices? Where's all the handwringing and pearl clutching over that?

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Valuing order and stability to prop up evil is not virtuous.

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If you really want to reform health insurance, repeal the 1940s law mandating every policy be linked to a single TIN and Ted Kennedy’s 1973 HMO law. Wrap it up with ACA repeal and give it a couple of years for system changes.

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Understanding why violence occurs does not mean that violence is a good thing.

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The assumption that violence is inherently bad is naive and ahistorical.

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Violence isn't necessarily inherently bad. Violence against left-wingers is actually good. The point to my article isn't that violence is bad, per se, but that a cycle of violence is not only dyscivilisational, but also something the Left will eventually wish it hadn't started.

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"Violence" is a word which can refer to many kinds of abuse. There is invisible, but very real, extreme, vicious, and deadly but invisible violence being perpetrated upon millions of people worldwide. Most people can not conceive that this kind of violence / abuse / torture is possible. But it is possible, it is happening, and this has been true for decades.

I am a Targeted Individual, and have been for thirty-four-plus years.

Please study - in depth - this website for extensive information about this:


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I agree. I was responding to the previous comment which carries the kindergarten-teacher-mindset of all violence, regardless of scale, proportionality, and necessity, being bad.

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It is inherently bad for those who want order and stability. If we have gotten to the point it is seen as necessary, we have already on some level failed.

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That's exactly the point. When we've gotten to the point that there aren't any better solutions, and "order and stability" is synonymous with letting predatory businesses drain people of their earnings and then kicking them to the curb when they need health insurance, we've failed. The failure is in not doing anything about the evil business practices, and in allowing a grossly unjust status quo to continue for the sake of "order and stability."

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Insurance is a uniquely malevolent industry in which the customer can pay - for years and then be denied the goods and services they have already paid for without recompense because of legal manuevering by large corporations. Nothing else is like this.

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You're welcome to try the Canadian system. No insurance to worry about. You probably won't have a family physician, and you'll never know about treatments you were denied since they aren't available and there's no where else to turn. Chances are high you'll end up on one of the years-long waiting lists for lifesaving treatments. Many Canadians die on these lists. Many more avail themselves of the new assisted suicide option, which is growing exponentially in just a few years. So yeah, see how the rest of the world lives before you declare insurance CEOs to be the equivalent of Nazis.

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I am sorry but you are entirely wrong.

What this was, is a 'man', who having been wronged by the system and knowing that the system will never bring justice, took it into his own authority to right the wrong done to him.

This is not ‘left’ thinking, this is the very definition of conservative thinking.

"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in a society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorises it and a moral code that glorifies it." -

Frederick Bastiat

"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favours; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed."

Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged

“We know, and well we know by bitter experience, that no appeal for the right, for justice, for humanity, can ever touch you. Your hearts are hard as your heels with which you tread upon the faces of the poor. So we have preached power. By the power of our ballots on election day will we take your government away from you.”

Jack London

When the government and society cannot or will not provide justice, then a real man steps up and does what is right.

The problem with society is not the killer, but the fact that not enough men are willing to do what is right and then face whatever consequences result.

PS the nonsense about being an 'amateur' is silly. The photo released by the police were taken hours before, in a different location (a hostel where someone spent the night) and are only posited on the fact that the photo showed a man wearing similar clothing and perhaps a similar backpack. There is no evidence that the man in the photo and the shooter are the same person.

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Then there's this counterpoint that the shooter wasn't "rectifying" anything but was, in fact, just some left-wing wackadoodle who committed murder for political purposes.


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Libs of Tik Tok is Jewish. You're also looking to be Jewish.

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This may well be right, however my scenario and motivation is far more reasonable and believable.

I like and admire your articles, but I have a leaning toward contrarian positions. I learn little or nothing from people who agree with me but much from having to think about contrary thoughts and beliefs.

I first considered this to be a "false flag" to incite copy cat actions and give an excuse for a Jan 6 type round-up of people who espouse direct action against the system.

There have been numerous instances of false flag-Operation Gladio type operations and the vast majority of "terrorist"-provocations have FBI contact-instigation.

The arrested 'could' be a patsy set up for a fall, a la JFK, Oklahoma City, Robert Kennedy et al.

Thanks for the reply.

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I think your theme is a valid one. One observation you have failed to make is the tendency of the Left and its corporate media tools, whenever they can, to paint the perpetrators of such acts as "far right extremists" on the flimsiest of evidence.

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Yeah, the right wing support for lawlessness is a little concerning in the commentariat. But you are correct there is a big asymmetry in the number of individual violent actors. I get annoyed when conservative talking heads feel the need to disavow "the violent right". Where are they, really?

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I'm on the Right and I'm not appalled. I have no problem with bad people meeting bad ends and this Thompson guy was a world class piece of shit. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Fauci has murdered millions of people and not only is he still being paid hundreds of thousands a year in our tax money, he's also likely to receive a pardon and never be held responsible for being one of the worst mass murderers in the history of the world. I would stand up and applaud if someone murdered that fucking scumbag. Sure, I'd rather that he was prosecuted and faced justice the civilized way. But that's not in the cards. We don't live in that world. We're either in a war for our very existence or we're not. If we are, then all is fair. Time to man up, bitches.

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The main point to my article is not that "violence is bad," but that initiating a cycle of tit for tat violence is something most people (including yourself) don't actually want.

If the Left really is bound and determined to start one, however, then I'm all for enthusiastically giving it to them good and hard.

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I think a strong argument could be made that the Left started a cycle of violence when Antifa beat up people at MAGA rallies in 2015, when they killed people during the St. George Floyd riots, when the Democrats made political prisoners out of the J6 protestors, when they murdered Ashli Babbitt, when they tried to assassinate President Trump. There are plenty of examples of the Left's free use of violence against the Right with zero repercussions. The only reason we don't see tit for tat violence is because the Right refuses to "tat". Fighting back at this point would not be "tit for tat" but a proper response to the Left's violence. What I want is wholly irrelevant at this point because the Left doesn't give a shit what I want. In fact, they tell me all the time they want me dead. So yes, at this point, I'd like to see a metric shit ton of violence against the Left.

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I don't want a cycle of tit for tat violence. But I also don't want a state of perpetual injustice and violence against the public by predatory corporations.

You seem to be saying that if it turns into a cycle of violence, you would be fighting against the leftists on the side of institutions like health insurance companies. Is that what you're saying?

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Seems to be a lot of wish casting on the part of some people to insist it's only the left who is reacting this way. Everyone is reacting this way.

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I would not go out of my way to smash a hornet that I know would sting me if given the opportunity, but I would also not lament its death if I saw it on the ground being consumed.

The corporate/global elite are more so the enemies of the right than they are of the left. These corporations, and the companies they run, hate your values and would like to see you gone from political discourse and eventually the earth.

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You really need a new paradigm to consider, or critique, what's happening in our country and the world.

"Left" vs. "Right" was useful 1900-2008. Since then, elements of the old dichotomy have merged into a government/financier/busy-body Deep State. The Deep State maintains bits and pieces of the legacy dichotomy, and merges with completely opposite bits and pieces of their former adversaries.

The result is a forever-war-mongering, censoring, thought-controlling, government-tech behemoth doling out political spoils and favors, manipulating and distorting markets, creating special classes of favored and denigrating legacy Normal Americans. It's ever alert to pounce on and destroy any domestic stirring that threatens its belief system, and its power and perks.

And internationally the Deep State is busy starting and expanding wars around the globe, rejecting American interests in favor of the interests of a tiny client-state that calls the shots, demanding more and more tribute (in cash, weapons, special laws that punish criticism of the tiny religio-ethnic enclave carved out of existing nations.

The former group that celebrated and supported Normal Americans and labor, and protested foreign wars now rejects Normal Americans, hard hats, and laborers as "deplorables" and insurrectionists. The same group now cheers never-ending war against Russia, and smears anyone who protests against that insanity as Russian bots and traitors.

Viewing the real world today through the old "Left vs. Right" glasses leads to badly skewed misunderstanding and analysis.

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Kent, you are absolutely right. So many people can’t see this yet. No longer Left and Right but Establishment and Anti-establishment.

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The answer is not a complete free market because even Adam Smith warned that the merchants always ended up conspiring to fix prices by controlling supply or demand. Pareto’s Principle of 80/20 guaranteed that a few men with the best offer, management team, system, and information will eventually dominate the market. Once the market matured, consolidating is inevitable.

Socialism isn’t a complete answer either as it distort the pricing information in many ways, confusing the supply/demand picture.

The laws also interfere in many ways, such as requiring diversity and hospitals to offer service to patients irrespective of their paying ability. This last rule is the reason why ER are overcrowded and why the typical charity hospitals were closed down after 1970. The law also prevent customized insurance as well. The research isn’t much better with this absurd idea that research should be run like a factory. Studies aren’t widgets to be produced on demand, which accounted for a massive fraud which wasted everyone’s money and lives. All this come together in a massive public/private bureaucracy that increased costs big time. And research costed money which put BlackRock in charge.

But the state cannot afford to ignore the medical industry as it was created to secure the nation’s survival through control of territory and resources so that men might flourish in a flourishing society. Men who are strong, healthy, wise, and well-invested in their nation through marriage, brotherhood, and good order, are more likely to fight better, smarter, and with a greater zeal. It’s not in the state’s interest to weaken their spirit and bodies, unless it’s controlled by the foreigners.

My suggestion is three tier system. The bottom tier address the common ills such as flu which have long established and proven treatments and are cheap, therefore can be paid out of pocket. Many nurses can handle this without a doctor. This allows greater market freedom to lower cost of supply and service. The second tier is allowing custom insurance that is based on genetic test and known risks. A man who never smoke is unlikely to have lung cancer whereas a man who work in trucking industry would have insurance to meet his needs. This would allow for cheaper and more effective bespoke policy. Those insurance companies would be allowed to compete in many states, increasing options.

The top tier would be experimental medicine. There are the most expensive with the most promising advance. The state would fund 50-80% because a better treatment and cure would serve its interest in securing a strong nation. The investors would be more confident in pursuing cure for rare or difficult cases and to market the solution more cheaply much as the federal interstate system made many goods cheaper by locating factory in one town and retail in another, passing the savings on to the customer. Over time, the expensive treatment will be improved and commoditifed with greater numbers of production and services, bringing prices lower. Then the cycle repeat.

It won’t be single-payer, nor free market. It will be mixed, becoming more like a Swiss Army knife with many tools to meet the fluid environment. Ideology is just a hammer that can only hammer the nails. You need a lot of tools instead.

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Krautman, along with his Brit ex-Army associate, do an excellent job explaining why the left really doesn’t want this to happen, as well as how they will likely ignore all & keep doubling down till it’s too late.

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A passive population can tale a lot of abuse as Covid demonstrated... including jammers, loss of relatives and turbo cancers right and left. Give them their "celebration of life" or rather "opium dens of forgetting" and their goodies and they remain receptive and supportive of just about any nonsense msm and the total state dishes out. At some point, the goodies will stop, and bills and bodies pile up and the conclusions become different as to what a rational response should be

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So many comments analyzing this specific case in terms of outdated terms like Left/Right or Liberal/Conservative. But Trump and Obama/Clinton/Biden/Harris has proven that Liberal and Conservative are not accurate words anymore. Left and Right don’t mean the same thing as Carter v Reagan.

I applaud this article for a brilliant insight, that the Establishment will keep trying to hang onto its power no matter what, and Americans will become ‘terrorists’ similar to the Irish.

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What happened here, essentially, was an individual striking out at the managerial class. A targeted killing. Nobody gives two shits about the CEO, I’ve fooled plenty of my friends and family into thinking his name is mario (it isn’t). But almost everyone knows Luigi’s name. The CEO as an individual hasn’t mattered a lick from start to finish here. It’s what the CEO represents, either a member of the rich (leftists) or a member of the managerial class (righties). People who don’t “get it” are the ones truly horrified by the targeted killing because they (perhaps rightfully) view it as one guy killing another guy, and thats mostly what they see.

But those really keyed into politics view it differently. As I explained.

There is a strong possibility that this will be the model going forwards, individuals attacking random members of the managerial system. A system which is evil and rotten to its very core. It could easily spark a slow rolling revolution in which could then spiral out of control.

It would be interesting to see if an idea implicit to managerialism, i.e all members of that class are interchangeable cogs, will hold up to a few years of targeting killings by the unruly masses.

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1. This article is dead-on. I fear the same thing. These people think they want politically-motivated vigilante violence, but it would be far bigger and worse than they think. I also agree that if the real armed cultural right is ever sufficiently-aroused, it would put the silly NYT caricatures to shame. There are a lot of big fat lefty/race-baiting/transy/big government and corporate figures out there with their heads still attached. These people (just look to NY as example) feel very secure and are very loud... They clearly feel things can go down only one way, and I think you are correct, it is because they think of mass (backed) protests and mini color revolutions, not a real "slipping of the dogs of war".

2. The comments seem to reflect a ceding of the argument that you can just whack people you don't like as long as you have a plausible argument about what they're "bad". I assure you you can make similar arguments about many people, maybe even some of the commentators and their industries. According to the left, all of us in US society profit from colonialism (just repeating here), the people in the Twin Towers deserved to die, etc.

I would caution all those who are saying "couldn't have happened to a nicer person (snicker)" to consider what it really feels like to live in a lawless society. Many Americans and Europeans have easy notions of "bloody revolution", but considering up close violence and random street crime in Haiti (for example) and many regimes in recent history might give one pause.

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Unfortunately, most people on the Right also applauded.

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I don't know, this story, the casings with inscriptions, it all seems fabricated. The average Joe would have a lot of trouble to get to such a man. I think it is a murder for political/financial reasons that someone is trying to make look like if it was revenge by a 'lone wolf'.

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