I disagree that the NAP should be abandoned, but then again, as a libertarian, I would. My argument is that the real metaethnic fault line in America is between those of use that respect the rule of law (read: the constitution), and those that fundamentally don't. While we can live in peace with people that don't respect the NAP and/or the constitution, we can't if we don't aggressively resist the atomization you describe and engage along every legal, moral, and ethical grounds available. As you astutely observe, the totalitarian mindset of anti-Americans assures us that we won't fare better than the Uyghurs in China if they attain hegemonic control over society. These two metaethnic camps aren't right vs left, they are American vs. anti-American. Americans have principles, and these principles can't be violated to achieve our desired ends, because our desired ends include living by principled means. Anti-Americans view principle and the rule of law as obstacles to achieve the noble social ends that seem to be just within reach, justifying the acceleration away from constitutional governance that you describe so well in your article on acceleration.

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World events have passed by you and the whiny truckers. That's good.

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A good read. If you're at The Event, have fun. Smoke a cigar for those of us who couldn't attend.

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Excellent essay. Made me think of my post “Collectivist of the Year Award.”

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