Sep 6Liked by Theophilus Chilton

At this point, everything we are witnessing I'm convinced that the "elites" are purposely running the U.S to the ground. It's being done by malicious intent at the top and incompetence the lower you get on the totem pole. The Venezuelans are the least of our problems when you think about it. You have Jews pushing this country towards WW3. To make matters worse you have huge influx of everything from Muslims, Asians, Indians, Latin Americans, Africans and all of them are trying to carve up a piece of the political and financial pie for their own groups both legal and illegally.

Only way that things change is if we get some sort of right-wing authoritarian and that doesn't seem to be on the horizon anytime soon. Interesting times ahead..

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Your just now coming to this conclusion? Your 10 years behind the curve.

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Figure of speech. Don't be a wise wiseass!

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We are at a time when we need to ask what the difference is between asserting our rights and demanding our rights. Demanding our rights is relying on the courts who, act as Guardians of the Fallacy, to do the right thing. It’s a strategy for a time when there was a justice system. But it doesn’t apply now, it plays into the Regimes hands.

Two perspectives, they are not an answer but they’re worth considering.

It’s over once they have eliminated 2A and collected the weapons. In Australia they turned in their firearms, and there they have people carted away during Covid to get vaccinations.

Contrast that with even with all the weapons we possess, we still remained in lockdown during Covid and so many capitulated to the masks and the nonsense. The “red” counties in Michigan complied just like the blue counties, bringing long guns to the capitol for Covid protests played into the hands of the fearful and we have the same regime in place who were tyrants during Covid.

We are going to be required to live out our rights, not to go before the tyrants and request they leave us alone. The guns look real cool, but where is the will to act without them? If that’s not there then the weapons don’t make a difference.

I know I’m all over the map with these comments, so it’s not really an answer or remedy.

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To echo mao.

“Rights emerge from the barrel of a gun”

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Which is why the Left hates private ownership of guns.

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The Color Revolution of 2020 to get rid of Trump is still running.

Any Revolution has 3 outcomes.

1) State falls and is replaced.

2) State collapse ⬅️

3) State fights off revolution and survives.

As fortune has it whatever was intended its Collapse, or rather The Anarchy.

No successor government is ready, certainly not the Republicans or Trump/MAGA. DC staged a Color Revolution here without heeding they were overthrowing themselves- typical one move thinking. Survival isn’t happening, dissolution is underway. Fighting off what they set in motion isn’t an option as they are weaklings in every sense and have alienated all forces of repression- police, military, veterans, their faction despises force and the people are armed to the teeth. Mercenaries aren’t a real option as they are veterans of police and military, the same families and fighting stock. Foreign gangs aren’t going to get very far outside their slum enclaves.

Periods of Anarchy are normal history, certainly it happened in England, India, China. The Anarchy is a period of warlordism and regional governments of varying degrees of order or chaos have a power struggle and wars and a successor state emerges victor. China went through this 1911-1949.

India 1739-1806 when the East India company took power.

England 1138-1153.

Just our turn.

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When France revolted first they got Robespierre and the Paris Mob which gave him the tools and excuses to enact such evil on the people that was rarely seen again till the 20th century. But that handed the nation over to the man who would bring the revolution and anarchy to an end and rise to become yet another great evil: Napoleon. So collapse is only a mile marker onto the next regime. God help us all.

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Robespierre was a couple years in, but point about Napoleon correct.

Also correct- this may be longer than a few years.

Also- this Caesar may come

Or not.

It’s been “not” in history as well.

Whatever the outcome and whoever wins the bedrock geography of ocean to ocean and our recurring Federated nature from the Iroquois to the Internet will remain. The ultimate winners will not settle for less than ocean to ocean, nor be able to centralize beyond a certain point. We are living through the failure of centralization now.

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" Tren de Aragua is there in Aurora and Chicago in the first place is because the US government has purposefully abdicated its responsibility to secure its own borders"

The telling part is that if US citizens formed an armed militia and kicked Tren de Aragua out the US Army would arrest the militia all and throw them into jail in under a week.

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The Gubbamint of the United States has lost legitimacy because it IS NOT OUR GOVERNMENT. It is a proxy of the WEF/Davos mob. They have infiltrated agents of influence throughout our government. They take their orders from their masters and those orders are to destroy the United States using a non-military invasion. They are NOT 'immigrants.' They are invader aliens, foreign savages here to occupy our territory, destroy our institutions and infrastructure, and ultimately outbreed us to replace us.

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It’s anarchy.

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THAT is the precise intent. Create anarchy to highlight the consciously-created weaknesses of the institutions, fill the vacuum of those weaknesses with violent foreign savages, punish any errant knights who attempt to staunch the bloodshed, and use the fear to gain power.

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Maybe. Intentions ain’t 💩

Just become American savages.

Losing to this crowd is like losing a fist fight with Jon Stewart.

Lighten up. Be happy you can fight for your people.

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The plan is White Erasure. The program is anitwhiteism. Let's call a spade a spade. Time for "Heritage Americans" - white people - to call for an end to our victimization. https://NoWhiteGuilt.org

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If only Kohne wasn't so culty and weird. You can't go free. NWG's tactics don't work either, Brezhnen.

There Simply Ain't None, Hoss.

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Raw force works fine, but you have to have force and they don’t. Also one must fearlessly lead force and they don’t.

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Thank you, excellent synopsis. I feel like the "raw power" option has already been exercised, in the last election. We had razor wire around the Capitol and 30k soldiers in arms to ensure the stolen election went through ok, plus system-wide censorship.

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And the rest of the world doesn't realize it was mostly a show. They think Trump is a dictator, the US is aflame and nearly a failed state and they think its because of "right wing extremism."

They are scared to travel here.

They think the nationwide riots were grassroots, black people are treated as they were 100 years ago in only a few pockets, and that Jan. 6 almost toppled the US.

It's so ridiculous it's hard to believe.

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I'm just going by their comments on social media.

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No, the rest of the world does not think that. If you read Foreign press, the rest of the world is much more aware of what is going on here than most Americans...

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The reason for the over-the-top Regime reaction to the "stolen election" narrative is that it is vitally important to have everyone believe in "democracy" to maintain legitimacy. Once enough people realize that the rulers are "selected" and not "elected", the last shred of legitimacy vanishes.

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It’s interesting that the mainstream “right” flipped its wig over the Cooper/Carlson conversation. It’s a pity when a very bright, extremely deep thinker and student gives an alternative view of the last 80 years of pre/actual and post WWII history. Suddenly the context of wars of opportunity and choice lay bear just how awful the regrime is, and boy even the right wokesters are panicked! How dare they question the Lion of the a British Empire! Rule Britainia! Britainia rules the waves! Think how this small relatively short discussion has just sent tidal sized freakout waves across the spectrum. One wonders did any of them really listen to the whole podcast? If they did and they drew the conclusions they are all running their jibs about then we have truely lost the plot. The interview made clear from the outset that it was only a small part of a much larger work. Since when can’t we question both sides of history? Ohhh I know we just rip the statues down and carry on. This whole bunch when the real revolution comes and come it will, will not last long figure the second wave of mass round ups will have them in the large gulags established just for them. What the Hell, the Hoover Dam and the interstate highway systems need a lot of repair work, some hard labor will beat a small bore bullet at the base of the cranium by a country mile. Elon Musk is a threat to democracy, we had to destroy the village to save it, artificial sweeteners are good for you, there were WMD’s in Iraq and Anna Nicole married for love…sure and screen doors work on nuclear attack submarines. A guy got shot through the ear, nicked his head, his response was Fight fight fight with a raised fist in the air. We haven’t seen a sight like that since Carlos and Smith stood on the medals podium in Mexico City in 1968 with THEIR fists raised in the air. Hmmmm.

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Are you the skinny old man in the movie "Shooter" who "still has the shovel?" lol.

Isn't it weird to live long enough to wonder which part is the show and which part is just stuff that happens?

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The winners write the "history."

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And it's not just in the US. Europe, Canada, the UK. All the Western regimes are being exposed as illegitimate.

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There are gonna be more votes in this election, than voters on the rolls.

After that, all bets are off.

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I am distraught, most of my friends and family are with the regime. They are beholden to the narrative. They are unaware that their opinions have been fed to them. They are fully NPC’s.

I wouldn’t be so sure that changes is coming .

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>When Christianity replaced paganism in Europe, the old totems were cut down, shown to be impotent, and replaced with crosses and cathedrals.

And churches are defaced and burned all over France and other European countries, and in the U.S. a Satanic Baphomet statue is erected on public land, with "Piss Christ" already being an art work decades ago. So, who's "impotent"?

Paganism was simply natural religion, people expressing the world they saw around them through gods for each part of it. This was the normal way of life all around the world, it's not "impotent". Christian dogma, taken from Judaism, only pushed this out because a general took power in Rome at a time of weakness, and then unleashed all the freed slaves, the foreigner servants, etc - the communists of their time. They attacked Roman and Greek temples and then bragged about it. Violence done with regime approval, just like in our time. Then they killed tens of thousands of other Christians.

Then the regime exploited the fact that Rome had been built up to great strength by, yes, PAGAN Romans, Those supposedly "impotent" people. Rome's infrastructure like its excellent road network, its military, its position dominating the Mediterranean trade, was used to force other people to abandon their normal gods in favor of the imported one. This was to great detriment for Europe, as the new slave morality hated the complex Roman economy, which was allowed to decay. Along with the Roman bath houses. "Baptism is the only bath a Christian needs," the priests said. The priests reveled in being dirty as it showed that they rejected the material world, which was of the devil. They also talked about how Jesus had been swarthy and stunted in form, which would somehow be a source of pride. Like I said, the communists of the time.

Without the bathhouses disease spread, further weakening Rome and its economy. Meanwhile the Pagan libraries were walled shut. In the new Christian time Romans forgot how to make concrete. So the aqueducts that brought water to Roman cities could not be maintained. The loss of so much water had a devastating effect. It would take many centuries before concrete was re-discovered.

And the economy didn't reach the same level until the Renaissance, when the religious grip on society was loosened and intelligent people could start inventing again.

The falling economy meant war among Christians, supposedly the religion of peace, just like communism would supposedly bring harmony. No wonder Rome was split in two parts. Byzantine, with its very favorable position, dominated, but the Venetians who upheld its trade were slaughtered, their quarters in Byzantine looted by their fellow Christians, and trade never fully recovered. Byzantine oppressed other Christians in the Levant, who along with the Jews sided with the Arabs when they invaded. Byzantine had attacked Zoroastrian Persia in decades of increasingly religious war, permanently weakening both empires, and this was crucial in paving way for the Arabs. To complete the destruction, Rome had attacked the Vandals in what is now Tunisia, because they were Arian Christians - those who correctly noted that Jesus was never said to be God in the Gospels. Wrecking the Vandal kingdom paved way for the Arabs as they conquered northern Africa, and Sicily, and Iberia.

Christianity was directly responsible for weakening Rome, while at the same time using its power to spread the religion. It was completely responsible for the spread of Islam in the Levant, then northern Africa and beyond, and ultimately throughout Byzantine's former lands.

Oh, and Christian priests were the ones who brought monotheism to the Arabs. They lied and said ancient Rome's wealth had been created by their religion, to entice the Arabs. Good job.

When the Black Plague came, the priests lied and said it was "God's punishment for your sins." Supposedly God would kill little children because reasons. They told people to pack themselves into the churches to "pray for forgiveness". Which spread the plague even faster. Finally people realized that the priests were full of shit and started isolating themselves in their homes, following the advice of more intelligent people, and the plague was brought under control by a scientific way of isolating, distributing food, and getting rid of corpses. After this the priesthood's power was permanently weakened, and people were allowed to think again. This created the Renaissance, bringing increased prosperity for all, while the priests shook their fists at those who dared say that the Earth was round, which the Pagan Greeks had surmised long ago. Luckily the priests were ignored in this as well.

White civilization could only progress again by weakening the grip of the Catholic priests. But by then Europe had lost many centuries, and Sicilians and Iberians had non-White blood in their veins. So that Spain has practically no prominent mathematicians throughout history, with math, a symbol for all progress, being the domain of the Germanic peoples instead. Spain and Portugal did have extremely favorable positions between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, which they used to full effect, and with the aid of nobility that still had Gothic and Swabian blood. But thanks to the Arab invasion caused by the religious fanatics in Byzantine, they are weakened still today.

Good job. Very potent.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

My gods, this is absolutely stellar, Tell.

Standing ovation!

Abrahamic monotheism was the legitimization and enforcement of a foreign reign.

The Bible itself is a political history from beginning to end.

The Old Testament chronicles a race war by subversive mulatto half-breeds against their Aryan majority. They stole our identity and history, imagining that they could replace us with themselves. Yes, in generations, a Barack Obama will become a Chuckie Shumer; this was the official state religion of Akkad, that of darker-hued Semitic male over an Aryan female, an Adam over an Eve.

Abraham's cult of the Bride Stealers began as black mercenaries taking white women, that their creme-colored offspring might rise from the slums of our mighty megalithic cites. (Today, we see footballers with trophy wives sending their young to our colleges, that they might become city councilmen and end up ruling the cities we had built.)

With the New Testaments, the whites tried to to take it back, as the Nazarene was a descendent of Aryan Benjamites, as well the illegitimate son of Roman Emperor Tiberius by Mariamne Herodius, Herod's 15 year old great-niece. Heir not only to the throne of Israel, but to Rome itself, born in secret, raised in a foreign country (in Alexandria). A threat to the sellers of slaves, debt, and vices, and the economy they controlled through merchant power.

We are now taught that to dishonor our ancestors, and to despise our own people, is the highest of virtues. "Racism", a term crafted by the ultra-pervert Hirshfield and genocidal Trotsky, is a revision of "original sin", that is, the crime of being born. (Actually, the crime of being born White, as unclaimed White females are the highest prize in the known universe.)

Christianity is a carrier of alien concepts (such as bowing to a foreign God as supreme), yet it is also deeply powerful and embedded in our history. How then to harness its power in the interest of our people? We are not running out of darkies, we are running out of Whites.

Recognize that the Christ was White. That the identity of the Israelites was stolen from them by storytellers, who then claimed to be First. No, we were First, that permanent minority is a broken branch that only wishes to be what we are. Tikkun Olam does not mean "to repair the world"; its literal translation is "to change reality".

Their religion teaches that the Body of their Messiah is the Tribe, that the Anti-Christ (His dark mirror version) is manifested on earth as a nation. This political vision was realized in 1948. It teaches that the Tribe is immortal, and that their destiny is to rule the Perfected World, a global slave plantation under their eternal reign.

Our God- call him the Christ, as an avatar of what we are, the Face of our people and the higher registers we hear- our God is Mercy, whilst theirs is Vengeance. Our God is White.

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You conflate Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and low church Christianity A LOT.

I do agree with you that pagan does not equal impotent or stupid.

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All Monotheism Is Jewish Poison. It doesn't matter if it's Low Church or High Church.

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We’re not entering Tyranny.

We’re entering The Anarchy ™️ and it’s only just begun.

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66 million Russian Christians were killed between 1917 to 1991. And then some.

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And nobody thinks it can happen again. It would be harder to hide but the hate for God, decency, morality and anything good, or the sanctity of life. is ALWAYS there.

The entire apparatus to physically round up large numbers of people is IN PLACE. Covid showed they were willing to psyche the whole world. And even, in test spots, imprison a few, as a test run.

And Ukraine is the new Spanish Civil War where the armed wings are practicing and refining their weapons.

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I googled this. Here is what the police in Colorado say about this:

Aurora police chief says there's no evidence that Venezuelan gang took over apartment Video of gang members in an Aurora, Colo., apartment building had right wing media declaring the city's takeover by Venezuelan gangs. Police say that's hyperbole.

What’s your agenda here?

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I live in Colorado, there is no apartment takeover by gangs. It's a lie.

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Sounds like liberal bullshittery.

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Yes, thanks for confirming.

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