"Moldbug noted that the four essential creeds of this ultracalvinism as it has played out in its evolution to 21st century secularised progressive ideology are the universal brotherhood of man, pacifism, social justice, and the managed society."

Only one of those, and that is dubious because it's a made-up word, is accurate.

Obviously, modernists don't believe in "brotherhood of man" because they are constantly being assailed by demons in human form: the racists, sexists, homophobes, climate-deniers, anti-vaxxers, the bigots – the basket of deplorables. They are also only white men. Other men of various other races are allowed to be more parochial, exclusivist, patriarchal, and ethnocentric . . . and they seem to have no problem with them.

As for pacifism, hasn't Moldbug heard of the term "color revolution?" What do you think the George Floyd riots were? Or the Maidan uprising orchestrated by Victoria Nuland. Modernist liberals love violence. They are at war with Trumputler. They just want someone else to do the dirty work.

Speaking of which, the managed society is only tyrannical in a selective way. Middle class whites are minutely watched and controlled while other groups run wild and are given special treatment, called quotas and forced integration.

Last but not least in Moldbug's terrible analysis is this thing called "social justice." Like "white supremacy" (remember that? Biden said over and over it was the biggest threat to the US and by extension the world) it's an abstraction that means nothing at all. Or it means whatever the modernist liberal wants it to mean.

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Thanks for reposting this. I’m saving it for my archives!

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Moldbug is wrong. Progressives are not ultracalvinists, progressives are primitives.

Schopenhauer predicted that the collapse of Christianity would not lead to Reason but to primitivism.

What is primitivism? Studies of post-fire pre-iron tribes (Yanomani, Hadza and Sentinelese) found that whether located in the Amazon or in Africa they all share the same belief system:

1. All problems are caused by witchcraft (spiritual forces)

2. All problems are solved by persecuting witches

And what do progressives believe?

Black socioeconomic failure is caused by racists (witches) who do racisms (the evil eye) and not by differences in cognitive ability. Thinking about such differences is itself witchcraft. The solution is to persecute witches.

Gays have shortened lifespans that are causes by homophobes (witches) who do homophobia (the evil eye) and not by STD overload. Thinking about such overload is itself witchcraft. The solution is to persecute witches.

Trans have high suicide rates that are caused by transphobes (witches) who do transphobia (the evil eye) and not by mental illness. Thinking about such mental illness is itself witchcraft. The solution is to persecute witches.

And... we have a perfect match. The progressive belief system is exactly the same as the primitive belief system. Not similar to but identical as. As such progressives are primitives. (Technically they are primitivists not primitives but it's a pedantic difference no one cares about).

If there's any residual doubt that progressives are primitives, just go ahead and ask a progressive about black failure in South Africa where there are no whites in power. You'll find that other whites, a continent away, are responsible. Ask how and you'll discover that progressives genuinely and sincerely believe in mind waves being a thing.

This doesn't mean we should stop calling them progressives. If their mindset was identical to bronze age or iron age peoples, they'd be capable of both progression and regression. But since their minds are locked into the stone age (post-fire pre-iron) they cannot regress further, at least not without turning into monkeys. Since they can only progress they're properly called "progressives", perhaps to encourage them to actually start moving and to at least reach the iron age.

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Man is a religious creature and will always have an object of worship; God or an invention of his own making.

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