The "thinking," or rather, jargon behind the current invasion is the idea that white people provide non-white people "opportunity." Apparently, "opportunity" isn't available in non-white spaces, including black-dominated spaces within the larger white space. Blacks having lived within the white peoples' space for centuries still need the "opportunities" that only white people can provide. White people who do not wish to give non-whites "opportunities" are considered "white supremacists." They are the greatest threat to those who control the guns and tax system or "source of income" for the bureaucrat/media complex and every other white occupied space in the world. Although I hear the US Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, is attempting the same procedure there so it may not be limited to just white peoples' spaces.

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Right. Productive people are the marks for the conmen in the government.

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I took a class in Greek and Roman history in 2002 - 2003. Our teacher called them barbarians, but we could tell that he felt a little squeamish about doing so. Like you said, it's almost as if he was afraid to admit that some civilizations really were better than others. And this was in a very conservative Catholic high school ostensibly dedicated to the good, true, and beautiful! Post modernism poisons everything.

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Rome fell due to tax revolt begun by Jesus. Then Rome couldn't pay their henchmen anymore.

When The Juice temple was later destroyed, it was for back taxes which were kept in temple's holy holy. Romans tore up temple to get to the gold.

Jesus taught his followers about The Way, which was a way out of bondage to Rome, by simply following first commandment to have no other gods, because Caesar's tax coin claimed he was a god.

Before too long followers of the Christ were being fed to lions because they wouldn't submit to their new god, Caesar by giving him tribute, aka taxes. Every god wants some gold and silver, even the god of The Juice. Their god wanted gold and silver for a bigger tent.

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If you want to destroy a civilization, impose price controls.

As for taxes, if you are rich your tax burden is WAY below the tax burden of the 1950s. Ditto for large corporations.

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Wouldn't welfare, sex and race quotas be forms of price control? To give some examples: many public schools now provide free breakfast and lunch to large numbers of their students. Kneeling Nancy, defund the police and anti-business DAs have pretty much legalized theft and car-jacking for non-whites. Tax-payers foot the bill with increased prices. Also, the expanding percentages of non-whites is corralling white people into the most desirable real estate space, thereby raising housing prices. Sex quotas increase the number of single career women thereby lowering wages and raising rent.

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To a degree, yes. But explicit price controls can cause more damage with less government spending. Nixon really screwed things up in the 1970s with his across the board price controls.

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Whilst the description of life for the plebs and general population may be accurate, I believe (have read) that the wealthy Roman/Italians fled the west to Constantinople (with everything their wagons and servants could carry) and just carried on in the Eastern Empire. Yes the Barbarians and the Huns sporadically called and carried off what they could, but in general and in the provinces life carried on much as always. When Islam came calling, the wealthy packed up again (with their wealth) and returned to Italy.

Check New Zealand and Paraguay for the next migration.

In Australia in the early 90s they called South Africans "The Boat People", within a month of arriving they had bought a mansion and a boat.

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Danial prophesized the fall of Rome 600 years before it fell.

Dan 2:43  And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. 

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Nice recap. I read this book some years ago, and your post is an excellent refresher.

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'Waller said developments like Colony Ridge will “change the entire United States of America,” and to a large extent, already have, going on to suggest that similar settlements are “being planted in pockets around the country.”

'“They [illegal immigrants] have no idea of the American founding, of American founding principles, they haven’t taken any training in what it means to be an American or what the American way of life is all about,” he added before lamenting “This is just symptomatic of the destruction of our country.”'


Even this guy's in denial. Training isn't going to make the slightest difference.

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