Well said. Clarifying. I have long talked of American Imperialism, but it is indeed global now, and it is increasingly unelected. No one voted for the WEF and adjacent. If they mean to rule the can only be usurpers and by def illegitimate.

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Oct 1, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022Liked by Theophilus Chilton

Theophilus, outstanding: timely, precise and unsentimental.

The distinction between the New Empire Loyalists and the the deplorables, chuds or hillbillies the world over forms the critical social and political line of fracture in every corner of the globe. The distributed nature of imperial power ensures that there is support for global integration when and where it is needed. It also endures that there is support for resistance too. Should the empire contract or the centre of power and decision-making shift, the regime will remain viable.

The challenge for Americans, as I see it, is how to forge meaningful cohesion across the spectrum of the legacy population and adjacent or compatible populations. Class compromise is essential. In the UK the retardation of English national thinking/feeling has been an ongoing priority with the Establishment for many generations, even centuries. And the Establishment has been inordinately successful at this.

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While I, until recently, held to this 'transnational empire' idea - and its presumed 'otherness' from the USA - I can no longer do so with a straight face.

The USA is, beyond any doubt, the central core of this 'globalist' cabal. All other entities are merely sectors designed as control units in the international sphere. Take away the USA - its thuggish military, its Wall Street chicanery, its heart of globalism in Washington DC itself - there would be no controlling 'globalist' power to be seen.

Also, the people of the US cannot be held unaccountable for this arrogant root of international manipulation either. They continue to turn a blind eye to all of the arrogant offenses to peoples of other States - and, more often than not, even support these insults with maddening enthusiasm.

It's insinuated that people of the US are beginning to disapprove of this policy of international bullying, but are they really? Where is the protest - outside of the usual online social network whining and crying. The people of the US care nothing about their responsibilities in the world at large. They only care for themselves - that's why 'inflation', 'gas prices', 'abortion', etc, are the main topics during this election period.

Nowhere is the core of these problems even addressed - the unconditional support of the US/NATO instigated Ukraine/Russian conflict. Where are the protests when the US govt. hands over to Ukraine millions of dollars of the people's wealth every other week? They don't protest this because they support it...they are complicit.

No - this denial of the USA as the core of globalist internationalism is as blind as can be expected by apologists who refuse to see the reality. Putin laid that out in his September 30 speech at the Kremlin. And while I'm not so naive as to believe his intentions are completely benign, I cannot help but be impressed with his clarity of vision regarding what is truly occurring in this international conflict of our time.

It would be good to listen to what he had to say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciP3iWAxFqY

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Go back prior to WW1. That Empire begat Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes Roundtables and the vision for an English speaking global Empire. While the new Transnational Empire is not exactly ruled by the Windsors the City of London and Wall Street do rule through their client states and the language of this Empire is English, not French German or Dutch or Spanish or even as yet Mandarin. Soon though it will be Mandarin. The rise of China is encouraged and welcomed by the Empire for reasons which are not entirely clear.

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Great piece. Never shill my shit in comments but 2nd half of this dovetails closely enough to justify it https://harrybergeron.substack.com/p/the-militarized-network-state

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The concision of your brilliant definition of "Christian nationalism" is useful as we trolls and readers go forth to do battle in the trenches of the internet....

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All of this has already been written in a book called Global Trap in 1996. It's not mistake but design of the system which uses financialization, outsourcing and lowering cost by exporting its industry and workforce to third-countries. I don't think there is some conspiracy, it's truly just a consequence of all of this process's designed to lower the costs and use cheap labor from other countries.

The result is rich immigration which provides cheap labor, then this cheap labor becoming increasingly more powerful than local population due to ambition, technology, internet and no moral or historical barriers - immigrants are willing to work more for less and also to peruse goals which their more smart people seem as dangerous or impossible. Then they need just to make some system to empower this "nitwits", grab power and hold it before this trend it reversed. That's what happened the last two years.

So yes, it's the fall of the empire and most of these tools has been advanced and advocated by America. They allowed and also benefited mostly from this. What we observe now is push to get rid of this and get back to empower local population instead of the immigration workers. And it's already in full swing and I feel, it will succeed.

More about the book here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Global_Trap

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I really like the term "The Regime". On par with the language of Orwell, yet more abstract, and conveys how undefinable the powerful truly are in our modern society. Great post, thank you.

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