Contrary to alexsyd, I appreciate blacks to some extent. Obviously, they're unlike us, and incapable of producing something like Western civilization. However, they are highly accomplished in music and sports, and have shown other sparks of creativity & success, eg Black Wall Street, Harlem Renaissance, Apollo Theater, and so on. However, we're obviously not fit to live together -- the dream of the diverse, post-racial republic was merely a delusion.
While your conclusion is hypothetically correct, I seriously doubt we'll be able to roll back the Civil Rights regime entirely, at least not without civil war and bloodshed. Not that I'm blackpilled -- I believe Whites will find a way, whether that's a post-US ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest, diaspora in Eastern Europe & Asia, or some other means. But the US is too deeply divided & dysfunctional, while its satrapies (Canada, Europe, Australia, etc) are in an even more advanced state of invasion and self-destruction. I believe the only way out is through.
I'll give you an E for effort, Sir Chilton, but blacks, like whites, have been captured by the sacred-victim, entitled parasite culture and are addicted to victimhood and can't let it go because they'll end up like Elizabeth Holmes. A female version of the desperate need by white men to believe in, I don't know, an unrealistic idea of human nature totally lacking in evidence. The white men on her board of directors swooned like adolescent girls over the idea of a female Steve Jobs. You are, I'm afraid, dong the same thing with blacks. There was never any pre-1960s segregated black utopia in Harlem or anywhere else. They were simply kept in their place.
Look, blacks have had total control of Washington, DC, for going on 55 years with billions of dollars of your tax money thrown at them and teach-for-America bright boys and girls from Harvard and Yale. In that entire time, with the smartest, most privileged blacks in the US, they produced something called funk with the hit song Big Butt and one half-way sane restaurant, Georgia Brown. That's it. Never in history has so much been done for a people who do so little. The rest took race quota government jobs and managed a semblance of white middle class existence in Prince Georges County, Maryland. They ruined the schools in the former blue-collar county in under a decade. Crime is rampant and they are destroying the state of Maryland by getting elected to state government. As Jared Taylor keeps saying, blacks wreck eveeythihg they touch. I suppose you'll call me a racist, but facts are facts.
White people, even well-intentioned ones, are in deep denial about the hard-cold reality of human nature.
Contrary to alexsyd, I appreciate blacks to some extent. Obviously, they're unlike us, and incapable of producing something like Western civilization. However, they are highly accomplished in music and sports, and have shown other sparks of creativity & success, eg Black Wall Street, Harlem Renaissance, Apollo Theater, and so on. However, we're obviously not fit to live together -- the dream of the diverse, post-racial republic was merely a delusion.
While your conclusion is hypothetically correct, I seriously doubt we'll be able to roll back the Civil Rights regime entirely, at least not without civil war and bloodshed. Not that I'm blackpilled -- I believe Whites will find a way, whether that's a post-US ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest, diaspora in Eastern Europe & Asia, or some other means. But the US is too deeply divided & dysfunctional, while its satrapies (Canada, Europe, Australia, etc) are in an even more advanced state of invasion and self-destruction. I believe the only way out is through.
I'll give you an E for effort, Sir Chilton, but blacks, like whites, have been captured by the sacred-victim, entitled parasite culture and are addicted to victimhood and can't let it go because they'll end up like Elizabeth Holmes. A female version of the desperate need by white men to believe in, I don't know, an unrealistic idea of human nature totally lacking in evidence. The white men on her board of directors swooned like adolescent girls over the idea of a female Steve Jobs. You are, I'm afraid, dong the same thing with blacks. There was never any pre-1960s segregated black utopia in Harlem or anywhere else. They were simply kept in their place.
Look, blacks have had total control of Washington, DC, for going on 55 years with billions of dollars of your tax money thrown at them and teach-for-America bright boys and girls from Harvard and Yale. In that entire time, with the smartest, most privileged blacks in the US, they produced something called funk with the hit song Big Butt and one half-way sane restaurant, Georgia Brown. That's it. Never in history has so much been done for a people who do so little. The rest took race quota government jobs and managed a semblance of white middle class existence in Prince Georges County, Maryland. They ruined the schools in the former blue-collar county in under a decade. Crime is rampant and they are destroying the state of Maryland by getting elected to state government. As Jared Taylor keeps saying, blacks wreck eveeythihg they touch. I suppose you'll call me a racist, but facts are facts.
White people, even well-intentioned ones, are in deep denial about the hard-cold reality of human nature.