It's important to remember that within blue states, largely in the rural parts, there are plenty of people who are opposed to the leftism.

Here in Vermont, either the most rural or second most rural state (we swap with Maine back and forth for the trophy), the cities - such as they are - are overwhelmingly leftist. Drive out on the back roads among the farms, however, and the rural folk are considerably more conservative. In both 2016 and 2020 Trump got about 30% of the vote, not enough to win the state, of course, but it's also not nothing.

We live here, not because the state is woke, and it is unbearably woke in places, but because it's stunningly beautiful, lightly populated and, for the most part, we can do pretty much what we want on our farm and nobody bothers us. I can understand wanting to live in a place like Florida or Texas for political reasons, but we could never, ever, tolerate the heat, the humidity, and the crowds. Or the hurricanes and the tornadoes, for that matter. ;)

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We had better put our best minds to work on how we're going to address social security benefits, VA medical care for vets, and Medicaid support. A good part of red state folks are dependent on these benefits, and it's likely the feds will make moving to a blue state to pay taxes into the system a condition for receiving said benefits.

I burned through a good part of my state civil service pension to finance a move to a redder county on to a small homestead. If my wife and I can't draw on SS we may end up struggling pretty badly.

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Red states would see an influx of entrepreneurs because of its economic freedom. https://redstatesecession.org/the-economy-of-a-federation-of-red-states-would-do-just-fine/

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The bond that holds America together is 1) the almighty dollar and 2) the notion that ultimately the people rule through regular elections. One of those bonds has been broken and will be further broken with each coming election cycle. The other is on life support. When the mass citizenry's orientation towards striving for wealth for a better life for themselves and families is broken then and only then can the next phase of decline manifest itself. Until then the regime will use its merchant economic strength to stave off all direct and indirect threats.

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The best made plans of Mice and Men go .... You paint a pretty picture of how you can do a better job than our founding fathers did. I think you are a snake oil salesman with your succession rhetoric BS What makes you think that your government would follow your rules any more than the traitors who are violating the Constitution today? Our Constitution hasn't failed us. We are failing to follow it now is our biggest problem. Half the stuff being done to us today is not Constitutional anyway. Ex. Federal Reserve Notes aren't Constitutional money., the government has no authority to force us to take a vaccine, the government has no authority to regulate guns, the government has no authority to shut down private businesses, etc. Heck, there is no authority to directly tax your labor either dude. ( See the definition of "income") The biggest problem we have no is we allowed the government to take over our educational system and they have dumbed most of us so bad that we believe the Constitution is the PROBLEM!!! It isn't the problem! Some of us are just to dumbed down to understand that now. We need to restore the Constitution as the Supreme law of the land and arrest the traitors who are undermining it every day. A lot of them are Congressman and Senators, but they are being controlled by elites who belong to organization like the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati, etc. If you don't who these groups are, you are not qualified to be demanding any changes to our government. Do your research first!!!!!!! I would suggest you read books like "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" by Allen, "Call It Conspiracy" by Larry Abraham, "Behold a Pale Horde" by William Cooper, "Secret and Suppressed", The Anti-Federalist Papers, the Constitution, etc. before you mention Succession again. Our founding fathers had it right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are the ones that allowed traitors to circumvent their sound judgment. The only question for me is whether I am talking to a Trojan Horse or not. Your answers will expose your true nature. Do you wand to restore our rights and freedoms that are being attacked now or are you trying to give as a new Constitution for the New States of America written by traitors to our founding principles. Have you taking an oath to those principles or are you a snake oil salesman??????????

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The problem with constitutionalism is that it expects a document to be able to exercise power...when it's really just a document. PEOPLE exercise power and thus decide whether they're going to follow a document or not.

The problem with most approaches to "restoring America" or "restoring the constitution" or whatever is that they totally fail to understand the concept of demographic-structural theory and secular cycles. These macrotrends are observable through millennia of history and transcend any particularist views or wishful thinking about American history. There's absolutely no reason whatsoever to expect that the USA will magically escape the DST conundrum that literally nobody else in history has been able to. There's also absolutely no reason to think that any restoration of the USA, if that even happens, would involve a return to the sort of liberalism (and yes, that includes so-called "classical" liberalism) that created the conditions we're seeing now in the first place.

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