The "weird" line of attack was because they couldn't seriously call a married man with children an "incel".

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It was ironic to see a Walz, guy who lout tampons in the boys bathroom, try to frame Vance as “weird.”

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If you are going to have an elite, then the PayPal mafia et al are preferable. They are competent to levels far beyond the entrenched managerial class and have put themselves in a position of some power as our space program (Space X), data from intelligence agencies (Palantir), communications (Starlink). Though the arrest of Pavel Durov by the French is a concerning development.

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I think you've read the situation correctly with what JD Vance represents. I had a similar take on RFK's endorsement of Trump (https://aghostinthemachine.substack.com/p/the-rising-counter-elite), ie, that it's a sign that a counter-elite is forming. These indications that a counter-elite is forming are definitely encouraging, because it means the ruling elites are divided among themselves and, therefore, will not be able to focus all of their attention and resources on crushing the dissidents among the regular people (non-elites). That, in turn, is bound to create openings and opportunities that dissidents can exploit. It's like we're behind in the fourth quarter of a football game, and some of the other team's offensive lineman are so pissed at their quarterback that they stopped blocking for him. We should be able to make some big plays and shift the momentum in our favor.

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>Vance still counts because he’s only been a senator for two years and had no prior political experience (which is a GOOD thing).

As the saying goes, there are two professions where people don't like experience: Politicians and prostitutes.

>Meanwhile, the “weird” line of attack merely invites comparison with the people making the charge

It was the worst attack idea I have ever seen.

You know all those west African officers who were trained by the U.S. and who have carried out coups. Though there are plenty of African coups by other officers as well: 214 military coups since 1950 with at least 106 successful ones, of a world total of 486 attempted coups. At least 45 of the 54 African nations have experienced coups. 17 in Sudan alone. But I digress: There have been 12 coups in West Africa and the greater Sahel since 2014, including four in Burkina Faso, also Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. In most of these the officers were trained by the U.S. to fight the Islamists (who have become simply armed bands in Africa, with none of Usama bin Laden's convictions or strategy). In surveys, the U.S.-trained officers became LESS positive toward democracy after their U.S. training.

Why did they become more negative toward democracy? Because they weren't taught democracy but "democracy," the ideology of the U.S. Democrats and the European Social Democrats.

In other words:

--All tribes are equal, you should care about the minority tribes as much as your own

--Homosexuality should be legalized, and look at these pictures of Pride Parades and transvestites that you should spend tax money on

--Women can't be forced to have sex or be forced to marry, you should not take more wives when the mother of your children gets too old, and you should treat them as if they were equal to men, even include them in politics

--And look at these pictures of pussy hat parades in U.S. politics

In some of these issues the Africans are the crazies; in some other parts the U.S. leftists are the crazies.

After the 2023 coup in Gabon the officers said that Western monogamy didn't fit Gabon. Reading between the lines, they didn't want the whole pro-women agenda.

The Left is shooting itself in the foot. Even with Africans who are eager to get free money, free hospitals run by White doctors, and industries where Whites handle the complex machines. If you make even these people turn against you, then your cultural Marxism has really gone too far.

That's the selling point of China and Russia: We just want access to your natural resources, we'll give you jobs in lumber and mining while you can do whatever you want with the citizens.

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Green shoots, perhaps. A lot of damage to be undone and not much time. Not saying the patient is terminal, but I do suggest we get our affairs in order.

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I don't trust the tech-bros, as their worldview is antithetical to my own. That being said, if they fight back against the dysgenic lunacy of the current lunacy, I'm willing to sit with them on the train until the next stop.

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I don't see a 'counter-elite'. I just see a re-branding of liberalism to keep 'the elite' in their positions.

The painful reality is that *no one* gets close to a position of power without first being vetted by rich jews. That's true of Vance. And it's true of Trump and RFK. No self-respecting White person should vote for any of them.

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Walz was speaking of his very small graduating high school class in Nebraska when he was a high school student himself. Given the competition to getting in to Ivy league schools, statistically speaking it is not remarkable at all that none of Walz's very few classmates ended up going to some place like Yale. What Walz was saying with regard to Vance, then, was essentially meaningless from the outset.

Turchin himself is part of the so-called elite. Here's a topical critique of his schema that indicates his model doesn't fit the American case very well at all and that he himself professionally operates with elite culture-changing intent: https://grundvilk.substack.com/p/a-few-comments-on-the-cliodynamics

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"He was a lawyer and venture capitalist before getting into politics but did all of these without trying to join the progressive managerial class or being coopted by the Regime"

How do you think he became a venture capitalist? He certainly was co-opted by the regime. I wrote a discourse on the called The Hillbilly Grifter.

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This is total garbage.

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Cool pic

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Aug 29
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August 27, 2046, at 3pm sharp

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Aug 26
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To me he seems normal.

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