The schools have certainly raised the self esteem of American blacks. They think more highly of themselves - and with less justification - than any other people. They have a greater sense of entitlement than anyone, while indoctrinated White people seem to view them as gods. We've spent trillions on them, and we are all worse off for it. Think of it - arguably the greatest race on the planet debilitating itself and groveling before the most useless race. It's bizarre.

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> The schools have certainly raised the self esteem of American blacks.

Studies show the opposite is the case. Desegregation lowered their self-esteem. It is speculated this is because they now witness first hand their White peers performing better academically than themselves.

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Nailed it. Look at Haiti as an example. Slave revolt, kill all whites and even half whites. Adopt white clothes and try to adopt white culture, starve to death. Haiti is Sudan like because of black Africans, not whites or Haiti’s location on the globe. What good comes out of sub Saharan Africa? Where they can’t rebuild anything or feed themselves. We already made 2 countries for Africans to go back to if they want. Why isn’t the left worried about diversity in Africa? Because that’s what will fix Africa. It’s all a pathetic joke. The best thing ever to happen to blacks was slavery. It got them out of that horrible continent. If that’s not true why didn’t they go back? Oh maybe because that’s where they got sold into slavery by their own kind.

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"The best thing ever to happen to blacks was slavery. It got them out of that horrible continent."

I've felt this way for years. LOL. American blacks should get down on their knees every day and thank God their ancestors were brought to the US. The insanity of our sacred victim, entitled parasite culture is quite somehing, and it has captured western Europe too. I believe it's caused by the belief in human rights. Rights meaning privilege without obligation. White men should stop thinking in terms of rights, but rather privilege, obligation, honor and divine order, to counter the madness.

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And if you think I'm wrong about human rights, please read this from Philanthropy Today (https://www.philanthropy.com/article/as-usaid-is-gutted-heres-how-philanthropy-can-stop-panicking-and-start-helping):

"Paired with an onslaught of executive orders from President Trump taking aim at racial justice, trans rights, immigration, and reproductive rights, USAID’s planned closure has deeply shaken organizations fighting for human rights around the world.

"In response, foundations are receiving an influx of requests for crisis grants from nonprofits facing a sudden loss of U.S. funding for long-standing work, as well as from groups shoring up resistance to the Trump administration’s anti-human rights agenda."

They know where the real fight is.

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>A case in point would be the movie slated to hit the theaters tomorrow called Hidden Figures.

*Checks article date* "WTF?!"

I believe this movie has already been out for a number of years. I've seen it, and aside from some hamfisted anti-racism it wasn't too awful, overall. Certainly though, these movies do try and change the lens focus, putting it all on the one char. That creates a perception problem I think, which people who know history generally are probably better equipped to counter/dismiss than those who know little.

I suspect some of this gets solved by study of real history. Big projects, be they wars or expeditions, have so many characters, who have to show up and do their job day in and day out. Men, women, whites, blacks, Indians, settlers... I love war heroes for example, and the stories of people who did their job and found some solution, by simply keeping at it. While everyone wants to idolize the fighter pilot, the fighter pilot is worthless without the huge chain of trucks and freighters linking to railways and factories and mines that give him the bullets and bombs to use. The marines assaulting islands sometimes take center stage over the recon pilots who mapped the beaches and shoals they would land at ahead of time.

They all exist concurrent to one another. If you forget that, you miss the picture.

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"Originally published on January 4, 2017."

Yeah, I recycled an article from my old, pre-Substack blog.

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Ope, my bad.

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No worries

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Written eight years ago! And yet today, as we speak, every type of good and service in America is advertised using black female models. This unreality, that America is 93.5% black women, is as damaging to society (and especially to black women) as the pretense that men can be women. The people directing this damage somehow do not feel the pain themselves. I wonder when they will end it.

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The three of them were taken to the Crown Hotel and they ordered dinner.

“Malcolm is our resident world expert on shisto.., shistomom.”

“Schistosomiasis, Bilharzia.” said Malcolm.

‘How did you choose that as your subject?” asked Matt

“I could not understand why the equatorial regions were so undeveloped, people have lived here for at least 25,000 years, it is the cradle of humanity, yet nothing. No great cities, no great civilizations, not even great monuments. No Pyramids, no Stonehenge, no Ziggurats, not even stone heads like Easter Island. Yet once the people migrated, both north and south then these same people created Zimbabwe, Egypt, Sumer, Mali and all points north. Made no sense to me. It had to be something about the lifestyle or the environment. So I came to find out.”

“And what did you find?”

“Plasmodium, Schistosomiasis, and Trypanosomiasis. Malaria, Bilharzia and Sleeping Sickness. Malaria causes nearly a million deaths a year in Africa, 100,000 in Malundi alone, mostly to under fives. A nasty and painful disease, but it is both preventable and curable. But Malaria is a relatively pleasant disease compared to both Bilharzia and Sleeping Sickness. They take years to kill someone, they are not easily preventable nor are they easily treatable. Both diseases have been around for tens of thousands of years and the problem is that they are incredibly debilitating rather than quickly fatal. World wide over two hundred million people a year are treated for Bilharzia. Some 32 million people in Africa have Bilharzia, causing weakness, extreme fatigue, it affects the lungs, the liver, the muscles and the mind. Take these same people from Africa and they are the worlds greatest athletes, leave them here and they can hardly crawl though the day. Trypanosomiasis is even worse. Fever, swellings, heart problems, paralysis and Parkinson like tremors, seizures, then a couple of weeks or months when everything seems be OK, only to be followed by another bout. Eventually the sleep patterns are disrupted, can’t stay awake in the day, can’t sleep at night and so on until the person spends the greater part of their time just sleeping and shaking.

But you know what the worst thing is? Each victim requires one other or two others to look after them. Like casualties on a battle field, if the soldier dies, that’s it, those around him can carry on fighting, but if he is wounded then three persons are taken from the battle. The injured, someone to carry him and someone to doctor him. That is how it is with Bilharzia and Sleeping Sickness, not only is the victim in trouble but huge amounts of resources are utilised in caring for them. Plus the ever present knowledge that you may be next. It is like watching a train wreck and knowing that you will be next. Nothing that you can do about it. Been that way for all generations, 25,000 years, live your whole life with the sure knowledge that there is a better than 50:50 chance that you will go out sleeping and shaking and suffering like your parents and everyone you know. Even if you know that it was caused by a bite from a fly, nothing you can do to prevent it.

Worse, the Tsetse fly not only kills people with Sleeping Sickness, it also kills all your animals. It kills your cattle, horses, goats, pigs, even the wild animals, antelope cannot escape. So your diet is almost protein free, you cannot build wealth in herds or animal products, and you are too sick and tired to accomplish any mining or building. A few animals have acquired a genetic immunity, Waterbuck, Wildebeest, Zebra some Thompson gazelle and Impala, which is why you see such huge herds wandering around. Everything else is killed off by the TseTse fly. But the sick, animals and people, live just long enough to create the next generation of victims for the fly. It is like a vampire in a horror movie, a parasite smart enough to not completely destroy the host, but greedy enough to make life unbearable.”

“What research are you conducting?” asked Matt.

“I am receiving blood samples from all fatalities in Bujumali. In adult fatalities 82% of all samples have one or more of the three diseases. The highest at 67% is Bilharzia, then 43% have, or have had and are carrying Malaria anti-bodies and 13% Sleeping Sickness. This is to be expected based on the fatality rate of each of the diseases. I am looking at three aspects to each disease, the disease itself, the vector or carrier, and the effects on the victim.

Do you know the greatest disaster to befall the pharmaceutical industry?

Smallpox. By eradicating Smallpox, from the population, they wiped out a huge potential market and profit.

In Sri Lanka, in 1948, there were 2.8 million malaria cases and 7,300 malaria deaths. They introduced widespread DDT use. Malaria fell to just 17 cases and zero deaths in 1963. From 2.8 million down to 17. After DDT use was discontinued, Sri Lankan malaria cases returned to 2.5 million in 1968 and 1969, and the disease remains a killer in Sri Lanka today.

Now there are many arguments and theories why DDT was discontinued and is not sprayed widely, but it is clearly a matter of fact that spending on anti-malarial drugs for 17 people is far, far less than spending on the anti-malarial drugs for 2.5 million people. Extrapolate those numbers world wide and you would go from 40 million sufferers per year down to about 300 cases, hardly enough to base an industry on the manufacture of anti-malarial medicines.

The only major anti-DDT campaign was based on the story that the eggshells of wild birds in North America were getting thinner because of the toxicity of DDT. As the Americans say ‘You are shitting me.’ The Brits are more polite, ‘You are kidding, right?’ Thirty nine million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, seven hundred people suffering each year because some bloody bird has a thin egg shell.

So even if the capability is there to completely eradicate the malarial parasite, the will is unlikely to be forthcoming, across all the countries involved. With Bilharzia and Sleeping Sickness it would be impossible to eradicate as the parasites live and thrive in the animal population as well as the human.

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While there are some "we wuz kangz" true believers, I think for most it is just a massive cope. My reason for thinking this is that racial separation has never gained real traction among blacks. For all of their talk of how much they hate us and that we hold them down, deep down most seem to understand at some level that their relatively comfy existence is because of Whites. I doubt many, or any, would admit this and maybe they don't consciously realize it but there is a reason smarter blacks talk about reparations and not separation.

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It's irrelevant, in my opinion, what blacks think. Or queers, feminists and all the other [scare quote] marginalized and disadvantaged groups. It's what you think, white man.

Of course they all are unable to compete fair and square against white men. Why do you think they demand race and sex quotas? If you have doubts, just bring up the thought – no sex and race quotas and let's have real freedom of association. You can hire, fire, serve or not serve, make a member of your club or fraternity anyone you want based on any criteria you want. They, including most white men, will freak out. LOL.

I hate to say it but most [western] European men are weak and cowardly.

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> a white man named Wallace Fard

It is extremely unlikely he was White.

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I'll hazard a guess they know this.

Which means: The reason they're doing it is to sow dissent, which is the inevitable result when people try to live up to the unreasonable expectations they've been propagandized into.

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