Springfield, Ohio - a commonplace sounding, quintessentially Midwestern-ish small town, is a test city for the left's New America vision. A place where "being an American" means freshly dumped foreign strangers can and will lay claim to that identifier at any random locale of the elite left's choosing, whether the locals there - the actual Americans - like it or not. The purpose of this sinister experiment is to quickly eliminate "old ways of thinking" (h/t to Mao) using foreign born shock troops to hurry the process along as quickly as possible. The left absolutely must do away with those inconvenient "outdated" notions deplorables still hold about heritage, roots, common ancestry and the notion of community in order to achieve their vision of a rootless and fully multicultural utopia (as if such a thing could “actually” exist).

Mind you, the people in charge of this grand scheme are not motivated by compassion or a desire to “help” any group of people: their sole, base motivation is their raw hatred of YOU and getting revenge. The ones running this scheme are enemies of truth, goodness and humanity.

Because the Springfield Experiment is very expensive to implement and maintain, as it is propped up entirely by shady government money streams and ngo schemes, it is also extremely fragile too and will come to a very sudden halt once the funding dries up. I'm not sure what they will look like, with hordes of homeless, penniless Haitians wandering around Springfield – but it can't be very pleasant.

We, the ancestors of America's founding stock must resist this grotesque experiment like our very lives depend on it, because they do. If they can pull this off in Springfield, they can and will repeat it again and again, anywhere they choose.

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We must do everything politically possible with balls to the wall intensity to prevent third world migration right now while the regime subsidizing them still stands. Bc one the regime subsidizing them crumbles and the Haitians and Somalis have no EBT and free cell phones, it will be all out bloodsoaked racial warfare with guns and machetes in towns all across the continent. I would rather not be forced to kill people in self defense in the future, I dont want that kind of death and violence for my people or theirs. Therefore they must be kept out of our country and repatriated right now while we can.

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The regime are accelerating the displacing of Whites demographically and financially. At every level of the financial totem pole from the top with Indians and Asians to the lower with Blacks and Hispanics. It's all being done with malicious intent to take away whatever political power that Whites have left.


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Great post. The worst sins are those that masquerade as righteousness. Their “we just love the immigrants” line is belied by their seething hatred of the people already living here. Pharisaic phoneys do their “righteous” deeds publicly and performatively, while doing the opposite to those closer to home.

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They'll also turn on a dime against those immigrants if they fail to vote the right way like the Cubans. Leftists wearing skinsuits aren't Christians anymore than Bruce Jenner is a woman.

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If people are going to destroy property, break laws, and generally act uncivilized then love would be NOT letting them run around to do whatever they want. It's also not love to hate your country, which you should treat like your family.

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The State hates us and wishes us dead. There are many ways to achieve that and all are being implemented.

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The left win the game by using a very superficial understanding of Biblical teaching against us. What is disturbing is how few Christians identify it. As you said, many shape the vision and version of Christ they want to see, and what they want us to use a framework for thinking. That enslaves us to things.

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Fantastic post — are you from Springfield? Because this is the most accurate writing I've seen yet about what's going on here. No, I'm not from Springfield, but close enough to shop there weekly, and Things Have Changed over the years, and not in a good way. Locally, our "trusted news sources" are touting how the Haitians all came here independently, looking for jobs that businesses were desparate to fill. In fact, the Haitains are saving Springfield's economy! Oh, and we're all racist is we don't see it that way.

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Thank you for writing this. You put into very succinct words what I began to deduce when I was going through Bible College and Seminary. I have had to work hard to reprogram myself from the indoctrination I received.

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"Because of their greed and love of money disguised as altruism, they are inflicting miseries onto their own people next door in their own communities. And they most often use their own political predilections to justify it."


And, unfortunately, I think some of them base their actions on an even *more* sinister misreading of Revelation. In their backwards eschatology, the righteous "help" to trigger the final apocalypse. I can think of no more deranged heresy than this. On the other hand, there's still a few months left in the year.

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Phoniness, that phenomenon so characteristic of the pharisee when the undefeatable sin is pronounced beaten, even as it damns whatever you held dear, is the plague of our age, and being able to call out 'good intentions' is the first step to combatting it

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"Immigrants don’t get all the jobs because they work harder, etc. They get the jobs because they can work more cheaply, undercutting the local prevailing wage because many of their other costs (things like rent and groceries that Americans have to pay for out of pocket) are subsidized."

If you replace a large enough number of existing workers with new arrivals receiving these subsidies, you can move the system towards socialism with less notice. If this continues long enough, eventually everyone's compensation, including benefits (public health care anyone?) will be coming from government. The perfect marriage of socializing costs and privatizing profits.

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Ah, you're into Cicero? I just read De Officiis and really liked it.

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Intentional sabotage and destruction of the country you live in is in fact, by definition, hating your neighbor

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If your standard for who your neighbor is doesn’t have some basis in blood relation, you’ll always end up back at square one.

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