This entire essay was excellent, especially this paragraph:

<<"Ultimately, there are three choices with respect to a society’s policing: 1) Have an armed populace that polices itself through self-defence when official law enforcement is unavailable, 2) Disarm your population but have an intrusive and likely oppressive police state apparatus, or 3) Disarm your population but don’t do state policing, leaving people at the mercy of criminals. This last is what is currently being done, with a side dose of criminals being used as regime enforcers (at least temporarily) in place of formal state security. The whole point is to bullycide you and me into accepting this state of affairs as “necessary” for the cause of holy democracy.">>

That's the game plan the Marxcissists are using to foment sufficient desperation among the populace for people to be willing to accept a police state to bring some semblance of order and the possibility of a better future. The Marxcissists' problem is, they are not the only ones who can make such promises; others will be able to play that game and play it better and more credibly. The Left is creating the stage for an American Caesar to emerge. The Founders gave us a Republic -- if we could keep it; we have not kept it, and I doubt it will be restored, given all the Marxcissists have done to destroy the old order. Our civilizational descent into clownworld absurdity is such a shitshow, it's not even a tragedy; it's a farce.

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The Republic rotted from within over generations. The Founders established a federation of independent, self-governing, states. Washington's victory in the Civil War created a unitary nation-state. The residual autonomy left to the states disappeared during the early Cold War after which the states became dependent on Federal financial assistance and the economy became the centre of the global economy. At the same time the class system changed. A republic needs a substantial class of economically independent people. Without such a class citizenship is a joke.

The Marxcissist ideas were an opportunistic infection in a dying body politic which the Left have skinned on its death-bed so that they can wear the constitution as a skin-suit. They deserve contempt, but they did not bring down the system.

A single American Caesar seems most unlikely. The US will get a distributed, collegial, authoritarian leadership that will probably synthesize ideas and policies from Left and Right. Whatever system emerges will have to balance the co-existence of competing ways of life: social strata made up of economically active but atomised individuals, as well as a minority of fully-socialised people integrated into stable families and an indeterminate number of people on the fringes of society altogether.

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To prove the points of the author and commentary:

https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article246107284/Studie-Fast-zwei-Drittel-der-Ostdeutschen-halten-politisches-Engagement-fuer-sinnlos.html (paywall)

"Almost two thirds of East Germans consider political engagement to be pointless."

Many East Germans did not long for more democracy, but for „ an authoritarian statehood “: This is the conclusion of a study by the University of Leipzig. More than one in four would like „ a leader “ who rules „ with a strong hand “.

Almost two thirds of East Germans consider political engagement to be pointless

As of: 3:44 p.m. | Reading time: 3 minutes

Many people in East Germany share xenophobic or chauvinistic attitudes. This is the result of a current study that the Else Frenkel Brunswik Institute of the University of Leipzig has now presented. Accordingly, 40 percent are not satisfied with democracy.

Source: WELT / Matthias Heinrich

Many East Germans did not long for more democracy, but for „ an authoritarian statehood “: This is the conclusion of a study by the University of Leipzig. More than one in four would like „ a leader “ who rules „ with a strong hand “.




DAccording to a new study, the right AfD could continue to grow in East Germany. The party has already successfully tied up the extreme right-wing voter potential, but it also has a large reservoir of non-voters with similar views, according to the one published on Wednesday Study by the University of Leipzig.


According to the authors, the representative survey of a good 3500 people in East Germany shows high approval values for extreme right-wing and anti-migration statements and chauvinism. Such attitudes have been essentially stable for 30 years, the study says.


The future district administrator in the Sonneberg district, Robert Besselmann ( AfD )


„ As a district administrator you can get an entire district in turmoil – if you want “

Almost two thirds of East Germans ( 64.6 percent ) therefore consider it pointless to be politically involved. More than three quarters ( 77.4 percent ) assume that they have no influence whatsoever on „ what the government does “.


For example, 26.3 percent of those questioned fully agreed that Germany now needs a „ strong party that embodies the national community as a whole “. 14 percent found the statement correct: „ We should have a leader who rules Germany with a strong hand for the benefit of all “.

„ Challenge for Democracy “

41.3 percent fully supported the statement: „ The foreigners only come here to take advantage of our welfare state “ and 36.6 percent behind the rate: „ The Federal Republic is alienated to a dangerous extent by the many foreigners. “ In addition, there were other respondents who partly supported these statements –. The authors speak of „ latent approval “.

The authors see a „ closed right-wing extremist world view “ in 7.1 percent of the respondents. The value is slightly below comparable studies for the years 2002 to 2010, when 8.0 percent were determined, and the years 2012 to 2020 with 9.7 percent. Nevertheless, this is „ a very high percentage, which is associated with a challenge for democracy that should not be underestimated “, the study says.

According to the study, support for the idea of democracy and the constitutional order is high in principle, but there is great dissatisfaction with democracy in everyday life. 77.4 percent of respondents say: „ People like me have no influence what the government does anyway. “ And 64.6 percent agree with the statement: „ I think it makes no sense to be politically involved. “


From left: Thuringia's AfD Group leader Björn Höcke, the designated AfD district administrator in Sonneberg, Robert Sesselmann, and CDU chief Friedrich Merz


„ Anyone who says that 52.8 percent of the voters in the district are right has not understood anything “

Study leader Elmar Brähler from Else-Frenkel-Brunswik-Institut emphasized that „ instead of pluralistic diversity of interests, a ethnic community is desired “. Study leader Oliver Decker said: „ Our investigation shows that many people in the eastern German states no longer want democratic participation and safeguarding of fundamental democratic rights, but the apparent security of an authoritarian statehood. “

Last year, 3,546 people were interviewed in the five East German countries and in the eastern part of Berlin. Due to the comparatively high number of respondents, comparisons between the federal states and population groups are possible. This would not be possible with smaller samples, it said.

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And you are correct in saying that in order for us to have law and order and effective government, we need a high-trust, homogeneous society, and the GloboHomo rulers are doing their best to make sure we can never again have that through the massive invasion of third world illiterates they are delivering into every Western white nation....

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The present system is "liberal-fascism": rule by a corporatist oligarchy, behind a false front of liberal democracy. The political circus is just a distraction.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is at the center of a network of banks, corporations, foundations, captured govt agencies, and NGOs which have controlled US policy and the media since WW2. cfr.org/membership/corporate-members

CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, etc. See charts showing CFR media control: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

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They are rapidly dropping the liberal window dressing.

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"The present system is "liberal-fascism": rule by a corporatist oligarchy, behind a false front of liberal democracy. The political circus is just a distraction."


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Outstanding commentary and one that is much-needed considering the current state of America. Thank you for writing it and for sharing it.

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What we need is a better breed of manager. Nukes are a way of summoning it.

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Some years back there was a documentary on this subject. "A Clockwork Orange" I believe it was called.

Trigger warning: it was ultra violent and very sexist.

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Democracy is an ideal that would work as long as the people check their authoritarian impulse and will to power. Most people are not very good at checking either, in themselves or others.

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I think it was shown mathematically that it is impossible for democracy to deliver the "common will" of the people. The author of this blog is probably familiar with the paper, but I can't remember.

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Whoever said that knew shit about mathematics or democracy.

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People are irrational creatures not much defined by math. But odds are on the side of authoritarianism when hardly anyone on any side is defending democracy. America was meant to be an experiment in democracy and self-determination, I'm not sure how you have one without the other.

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WHD... A thinking person!

And you are so right, William. If I may be so bold as to pour out the prerequisite sequence... A well-informed community, each individual permitted free thought and self-determination, followed by free discussion, the achievment of consensus, and an administration to implement the consensus. Voila... DEMOCRACY. Remove the administration component and you have anarchy, which works just fine in small communities.

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I don't often say this but, why discuss a subject you manifestly know nothing about.


Just so as not to insult our intelligence, you did read up on Thucydides, the Irish Monks, Thomas Paine, Abraham Lincoln, Lord Acton, and so on and so forth. Eh?

Let's call a spade a spade. You did not. Did you? Admit it. You just presumed that your befuddled conprehension would do trick. The truth is, you have never lived in the time of an actual democracy. The last one I have ever heard of was in what today is Indonesia, run by Chinese no less, and for some 200 years until the horrible Dutch destroyed it. Because all such books have been burned, by globalist decree, since at least since 2003, you may never have the opportunity to reverese your ignorance. But because i have studied this particular topic since 1964, I have a vague idea and this appears in oziz4oziz.com and in the novel The Lost Track.

It would be nice if you researched this socio-economic structure and then gave it your thumbs up or down.

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We have bots on substack now, apparently.

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Well, he’s right about the democracy stuff. The rest is mostly extraneous.

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This may sound like a dumb question, but whats a bot?

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