I recommend reading Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience" as a primer on how INDIVIDUALS can fight back against the criminal demands of the overweening State. Stop obeying laws that you know are wrong! Don't put on the mask. Don't let your kids take the shot! Yell at the school board! And for God's sakes TURN OFF YOUR TV!

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What else happened in the 1960s?

Ahh it was opening the borders and flooding america with 100 million foreigners.

Some of this post’s ideas are correct but skipping this bit makes the ideas worthless.

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While I disagree with your timeline in the USA, overall I agree with your argument. I know a great deal about Chinese history and the Chinese intellectuals fully expect that the existing government will go through the phases of growth, stagnation, then decline/collapse. The decline phase is characterized by decentralization, the splitting apart into historically separate regions, warfare, and then, finally, reunification under new, more capable leadership - with new ideas about how to run the nation. The Europeans (and the Americans) have this irrational idea that their governments will last forever, and thus everyone expresses surprise and dismay when the government does collapse.

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