My husband and I read this tonight. After all, what do you do on a date night? Conclusion: brilliant essay.

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The corporate takeover of America is complete. Biden's expanded IRS will milk the middle class (comprised, overwhelmingly, of white nationalists and white supremacists) of whatever ducats they've managed to save over the years and distribute it to democratic satrapies. The rest will be vacuumed up by those corporations.

Our only hope is for a giant meter to strike DC when congress is in session. I will mourn the loss of the handful of patriotic representatives.

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For the life of me, I do not understand how one blames this on corporations. The fundamental issue is with the government itself. The fact that they use money they extort from us to influence corporations (including education corporations) does not make the corporations the primary villains. Cooperative conspirators, perhaps, but without the carrot/stick from the government, they would be doing other things to maximize profits.

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I was going to object that "muh woke employees" but then i remembered Hanania "Why everything is liberal".

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I think you're right. I don't see see how we get out of this without some kind of massive disaster. Lots of people are going to have to die.

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What do we mean by "things" working the way "they" should? Are these "things" the matters which are crucial in our lives? Not just crucial, rather the substance and essence of our lives? Matters such as health, income, career, food, education, liberty, prosperity... the pursuit of happiness (if you will). If that's how we define "things", then we have to realize that this long established notion of democracy as a framework for these "things" to function "the way they should", is flawed. Voluntarily consent (aka "vote") to a system where other human beings control the procedures for which the "things" most important in our lives are determined? That's called "Being governed". It's the opposite of "Self governed".

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Another excellent and thought-provoking essay.

Always remember, the people who are doing this to us have names and addresses, just like we do. Sauce for the goose and all that.

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Excellent summary of the situation. The system is broken beyond repair, and we can't hope for anything positive out of the established channels. So how to we fight back?

My solution is to withdraw from the toxic culture and become as self-sufficient as possible. I don't see any other practical / scalable way to go about it. Do you have any other ideas?

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Self-sufficiency, yes. Also, building parallel markets and institutions. Also, Separation (a mix of secession, panarchy, nullification and subsidiarity).

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