Another feature of a declining civilization is a deep denial. Pointing out these obvious facts and saying that people need to work harder make you "mean" and "no fun". Of course, true pleasure comes only from binge watching Netflix while eating processed seed oils. Nobody could possibly find joy in music, poetry, and nature.

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also the appearance of atavistic forms of "fun" (lgbtq, etc.) which are more the effects of increasing oppression than increasing freedom, the ego thwarted and perverted from reaching any higher achievements/the summits of the superego, tires and falls back down into the dirt of the id. Turns out, if you're not constantly progressing, you're going backward.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

Two of the reasons are inflicted on us by the Government.

Every study shows that Fluoride was introduced into prison populations to make them more docile. They also show that Fluoride seriously reduces mental capacity and causes a drop in IQ (10 points reported in studies). Yet the government has made it (effectively) mandatory for all toothpaste to contain Fluoride and thereby cause people to ingest it twice per day.

Tobacco usage has been shown to increase Cognitive ability again by a significant degree. Billions of dollars/pounds have been spent to outlaw the use of Tobacco. The excuse of "lung cancer" should mean that now Tobacco usage is at an all time low, lung cancer is also at an all time low.

Have you seen all the reports hailing this breakthrough in lung cancer? No, neither have I or anyone else. It was BS from the start.

So we are more stupid and more docile than we would be if we refused to eat Fluoride and insisted on smoking Tobacco.

Thank you my government.

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We can now extend these observations to diet. Seed oils, the pogrom against animal fats, and the benefits of dietary fibre all seem to be nonsense. Indeed, they are deleterious to health.

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My take is simpler. Not everyone makes it. When life is easy, as it has been for generations, there is more material accumulating in society that cannot make it.

I think the total removal of all welfare would separate the wheat from the chaff in short order. There are three groups. The capable, who are already independent. The not-independent but who would quickly adapt. And the enfeebled you mentioned.

I suspect they map well to those who saw through Covid, with the second group wisening up once they had taken a few injections. The third group were masked up and jabbed up all the way.

Not everyone makes it.

And you are right, many of us are more like the old order. The decline may be the making of us as we shed the trappings of polite society and stop responding to chants of patriarchy, racism and imperialism.

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Excellent essay. Personally, I am ignorant of the Classics (and do not read Latin or Ancient Greek) but always seem to like the argumentation of classical scholars. This essay is no exception.

Civilizational Suicide is both a phrase that blows around my mind almost daily but would also make a great band name. Cheers.

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I disagree that frivolity is endemic. Rather, there is a seriousness about the malcontents who are bent upon destruction of joyousness. If they are frivolous about anything, it is only that they toy at ideals, which they defile, because they are incapable of comprehending them.

Profanation among this ilk is rife -- and it's spread to general population. Even Joe Rogan's language -- from someone many claim to be an astute interviewer, which I find he isn't -- is disgustingly profane, as is the language of many of his guests.

The tendency of these people and those who follow them into their wasteland of nihilism have nothing worthwhile to live for because to them it is all meaningless; anyone who has found what is worth growing, nurturing, protecting and defending is a target for their animus.

Certainly, the worm has burrowed deep into the minds of many Americans (I can't speak about the English or the French or the Germans, knowing nothing about them). But it has not done so in the minds of very many of us who are working to put out into the world better, more nutritious and wholesome ideas, which others like us who are thus receptive to us pine for.

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Very thoughtful article. But as I see it, Western civilization seems to be doing just fine. There is less poverty, sickness, and suffering than any point in human history. While the "welfare state" and "police state" can be critiqued in certain ways, those policies can hardly be described as a civilizational collapse.

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The rise of the welfare state in the United States can be traced back in part to the formation of mutual aid societies by various ethnic groups in the 19th century. These societies provided a social safety net for immigrants who faced discrimination and prejudice. However, the government's intervention in the provision of social welfare services has led to a decline in self-reliance and problem-solving skills among some individuals. This is because mutual aid societies require members to be industrious and self-sufficient in order to receive assistance.

"I'm from the government and I'm here to help." ☠

One of my favorite arguments from this article:

- Traditional Western society valorized liberty as a fundamental value

- Contemporary Western society prioritizes safety, security, and state dependence over liberty

- This shift has accompanied the decline of traditional structures and the rise of the welfare state

∴1 The modern Western society no longer emphasizes liberty as a core value to the same extent as previous generations did.

∴2 Sacrificing liberty for state dependency has not only cost liberty but also safety and security.

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Racialism is also an abstract mass similar to class.

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No more "imperium in imperio"= no more conflict=no more dialectic (material or spiritual)=no more progress/increased stagnation. Loss of civilizational vitality.

Return to feudualism/competitive aristocracy=return to progress.

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